OTHER AFL 23 game


County Cricketer
Feb 4, 2017
Does anyone know when we might get more details about this game.Nothing for about 6 months now.
He could have responded in a more professional way. He has wanted the AFL license back for a long time now, but it must be troubling people a little that nothing has been shown for some time now. He still has me blocked on Twitter lol. I'll undoubtedly get the game and hope that it turns out well.
Probably come out mid season and be a bug ridden expensive mess. Hopefully the marking is better than the fielding in cricket 22.I would say the best way for them to market would be day one gamepass for xbox and pc .Maximum exposure its such a niche of a niche game.I have no idea how these deals work did it work for matchpoint tennis.
Probably come out mid season and be a bug ridden expensive mess. Hopefully the marking is better than the fielding in cricket 22.I would say the best way for them to market would be day one gamepass for xbox and pc .Maximum exposure its such a niche of a niche game.I have no idea how these deals work did it work for matchpoint tennis.
I wonder how previous AFL games have done in terms of sales, obviously it's more a sport followed within Australia and maybe Ireland to an extent given we form a team to play Ireland normally annually prior to covid.
Well according to steam the most amount of people playing afl evolution 2 at any one time was 61.I am English and they started showing it on TV in the late 80s I think and I went to some of the post season games at the oval.So I am intrigued by the game.I don't know anyone else that has an interest in it.
Anyway we don't really know how many that means they sold and what the breakeven number is but as they didn't make a 3rd game probably not that profitable.
AFL Evo series was by Wicked Witch, I think the last game Big Ant did was AFL Live 2 back in 2011 or around that time. Ross has been trying to get the AFL license back for a long time now. Regardless, it's hard to see such a niche sport selling all that well outside of Australia. Like I'd say their Cricket series would easily surpass all the AFL games combined.
Coming out on April 13th available for pre-order from today.Not much in terms of new actual gameplay from what i can see has been released.I suppose it will be drip fed over the next 6 weeks or so.Got the new golf game and MLB 23 coming end of March so plenty to look forward to .
Coming out on April 13th available for pre-order from today.Not much in terms of new actual gameplay from what i can see has been released.I suppose it will be drip fed over the next 6 weeks or so.Got the new golf game and MLB 23 coming end of March so plenty to look forward to .
I'd say like most BA games, maybe a week or so before release. Which is not great in terms of building hype and given their buggy launch history, will worry some I'm sure.
Some videos emerging from the live event they held. Hard to tell how good it is .Seems bug ridden at the moment but time will tell i suppose
Delayed to May 4th for some illogical reason.Clearly game is not ready and they should just say that rather than give an excuse that is so transparent .No company would delay a release because some physical copies of the game won't be available they would find an obvious work around.
Has appeared on steam so it must be real.No prices and listed as coming soon
Game is coming to PC and PlayStation on 4th May,could be delayed for over a month on Xbox :wow: Hope this doesn't happen to Cricket 24.

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