Al patch improved the game.

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Club Captain
May 12, 2003
Online Cricket Games Owned
The patch is definite improvement for those who are now easy with Cricket2004.
batting is much better in ODIS

they smacked it more :D and didnt go out as much so no more 120 scores (50 overs)

but they still go out sometimes

when i say that last comment i mean they still go out bowled, LBW, catch, stumping and not RUN OUT

coz run outs are not 'sometimes' but a lot

they are just sooooooooo stupid

i want to play some fifty over ODIS but i bowl teams out for 120 or sumfin with only bout 2-3-4(max) wickets that werent run outs

im gunna play some tests now so hopefully i can get some realistic scores

but anyway great patch it realli makes the gameplay a lot better and harder and bowling is much harder now

i only hope there is a way to solve this runout bug :(
Originally posted by whiteninness
batting is much better in ODIS

they smacked it more :D and didnt go out as much so no more 120 scores (50 overs)

but they still go out sometimes

when i say that last comment i mean they still go out bowled, LBW, catch, stumping and not RUN OUT

coz run outs are not 'sometimes' but a lot

they are just sooooooooo stupid

i want to play some fifty over ODIS but i bowl teams out for 120 or sumfin with only bout 2-3-4(max) wickets that werent run outs

im gunna play some tests now so hopefully i can get some realistic scores

but anyway great patch it realli makes the gameplay a lot better and harder and bowling is much harder now

i only hope there is a way to solve this runout bug :(

Good to hear something about the patch, how about the scores in 10/20/45 overs ODIs. I did not test those at all, I simply changed the aggression levels for CPU.

Do I understand you two reckon no changes are needed to this patch at all? If thats so then I am off to play a 20 overs world cup with this patch installed.
Unfortunately it looks like the only way the run out bug will be fixed is by a patch from EA/HB. Until then I just save my game after every over, so if there's a stupid run out I can quit and restart. A real pain, but...
Originally posted by jonah
Unfortunately it looks like the only way the run out bug will be fixed is by a patch from EA/HB. Until then I just save my game after every over, so if there's a stupid run out I can quit and restart. A real pain, but...

For some reason or due to my custom field settings there are hardly any runouts in any of the games and am happy about it.
I just had my first game as NZ in the world cup against the Aussies and I didnt know where to bowl. This was on a dry pitch with no swing or seam whatsoever and CPU ended up scoring 211/5 (no runouts) off 20 overs thanks to 25 extras(13 wides, 9 byes, 3 no balls). Damien Martyn top scored with 86*(58) balls and I should say I was pleased with CPU batting although I had to really spread the field out to keep the score to 211. It was bad bowling from me to start with spraying the ball all over the place to the extent where Shane Bond went for 40 runs off 2 overs. By the time I got a hang of bowling the CPU had started to play big shots. Vettori for me was the pick of the bowlers with match figures of 4-0-14-1. I beat the bat several times but whenever I was short or full outside off or leg stump the CPU took full toll of my bowling. Anyone who has tried the patch in a 50 overs ODI please let me know what kind of scores are you guys able to tie the CPU down to? I have never fancied 20 overs games before but this one was absolute ripper and great fun to trying to restrict the CPU. There was plenty to think about in terms of fielding setup, bowling line and length.

Squiz, I encounter no run outs most of the time with the custom fields. You will need to bear in mind with the custom fields either employ short mid on and mid off or long on and long off. I normally go with a mid wicket, deep third man as well.
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run outs are nearly all the time if u have a regulation mid on/off

if u have your mid ons and offs half way to boundarie or right on the boundarie they will get a lot of singles but no crappy runouts\

an occasional runout to cover but i mean its ODIS they consist of runouts
aus A scored 230=240 against me (australia)

in a 50 over match so that is good

i was playing a tour match(20 overs) aus (me) vs bangladesh and i made bout 110 with the bat (my crap batting aint the point here lol)

but bandladesh smashed me all round the park aat over 11 an over

after bout 8 overs i just ended up autoplaying the match and ofcourse i lost

so basically i think 20 over CPU pacing needs to be toned down especially when i can only have 2 men out for four overs and in those four overs bout 50 runs was scored

good apcing for 50 overs though but u said u struggled to keep cpu to 211 in your match and we all know that is highly unrealistic lol for 20 overs

but anyway its a trial and error thing gameplay so hopefully the pacing can be rectified and made as good as the 50 over games

aint tried 10 over game though

anyway great patch i luv the new harder bowling but i get smacked even when i bowl well so plz tone down the cpu aggression for 20 over matches so scores from say 100-150 can be churned out instead of 200+ against bangladesh :S
i think if the circle was smaller it would improve a hell of a lot as well, but you cant fix that problem right now so i guess ill have to live wit it
Originally posted by squiz
i think if the circle was smaller it would improve a hell of a lot as well, but you cant fix that problem right now so i guess ill have to live wit it

Cheers guys for the feedback. The size of the cursor can be fixed in ODIs but again the CPU will start bowling too many bouncers and yorkers. Tell me this, dont you guys feel CPU bowls less yorkers and bouncers with this current patch. Agreed it bowls lots of bad balls to score off but I think it bowls less yorkers and bouncers. If you guys think otherwise, I can release a quick little patch to update the cursorsize in ODIs and get CPU to consistently score 120-150 runs in 20 overs game.

I need a little more feedback before I produce an update, anyone tried the 10 overs ones yet? Also how does the CPU fare in Tests now? A little feedback on these is much appreciated.

Originally posted by crick4life
Cheers guys for the feedback. The size of the cursor can be fixed in ODIs but again the CPU will start bowling too many bouncers and yorkers. Tell me this, dont you guys feel CPU bowls less yorkers and bouncers with this current patch. Agreed it bowls lots of bad balls to score off but I think it bowls less yorkers and bouncers. If you guys think otherwise, I can release a quick little patch to update the cursorsize in ODIs and get CPU to consistently score 120-150 runs in 20 overs game.

I need a little more feedback before I produce an update, anyone tried the 10 overs ones yet? Also how does the CPU fare in Tests now? A little feedback on these is much appreciated.


Yes. I want you to make a sweet patch for with the exact features such as swing and seam but making bowling easier for those who bat very well, can't bowl very well (mostly in test) and don't want to autoplay (like ME!!!) and I'm sure I'm not alone
Yes,no doubt that patch has really improved the game as I played the 10 over match and I was pakistan against India and India scored 125 runs and smashed me around the park.In reply,I managed to score 105 but it was good match though.
I will soon let the other matches try and then check it out.

As far as cpu pacing in 20 overs is concerned ,I think because batting is bit easy so I think total around 150 to 180 is not bat and considering that in specific conditions it can be controlled.Anyway majority is authority.
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