An absolute disgrace



This game should be banned under the Trade Descriptions Act for having the nerve to call itself a computer cricket game. I am absolutely appalled at this absolutely atrocious game. As a player who can usually get to grips with the game inside a day or so and like many can usually master it really qucikly, I must admit to the frustration this game brings. A week or so ago I posted some cautionary posts regarding the game and was told to chill out and not get so those same people are cussing the game themselves. The only thing which is annoying me more than this waste of space of a game is the naive and sheep like people who still think what HB Studios have done is not scandalous.

Comments like 'the game can be vastly improved with a few patches', 'if you just bowl the same line and length ball it will be more challenging', and there was even a suggestion that HB Studios and EA didn't have enough time to complete the game but have done a good job in the time scale. THIS IS TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE. We the public are paying money to these companies to come up with an improvement on the previous game. They have had over 15 months to prepare the game. WHAT THE F*** HAVE THEY BEEN DOING WITH THEIR TIME. The suggestion that with a few patches we can improve the game is just so laughable. We shouldn't have to touch the game, otherwise we would be working for HB/EA. Sometimes we have such low expectations of these companies in these times of modern technology that it beggars belief.

I honestly believe, even more so after a few games of this complete rubbish of a game, that if EA wanted a better cricket game they should employ people on this website, who make patches and mods, instead of the team of monkeys that can't even seem to come up with the most basic of programming and bug fixing. Some of the stuff that has already been commented on is just purely unacceptable. The fielders walking across the pitch, the byes etc, I mean really do they even test the game for a lengthy time to eradicate these. The workers at HB are probably not even cricket fans rather some snotty nosed out of college kids who have no appreciation of how cricket dynamics should work. This really is the work of a level one programmer on a Spectrum +3. When you are batting you shouldn't have to change your style so that you don't score excessively, and when you are bowling the whole premise of a game is that you try and get the computer out using a variety of balls. You shouldn't have to discipline yourself to bowl balls which will not get the batsmen out because you are destroying the whole enjoyment and challenge of the game.

As I am writing, it seems that the glossy stats stuff and stadia and the tours and options have all been thrown in because they simply have not got an idea on how to do anything with the gameplay. It is a travesty that these people should get away with this dross. This is a disgusting effort!
U cant possibly blame EA/HB studios for that. I mean sure they could have at least done some mooo! testing but they dont really have the money since cricket is not as widely known as rugby, soccer, etc.
ccshopland you make a Cricket 2004 game for us in your spare time and you "skills" and see if you can make something better, sure there are a few glitches but the game has improved a whole lot on 2002, I don't think Cricket 2004 should be banned I think you should be banned from posting on these forums :angry:
He is, of course, entitled to his opinion and that is what these forums are for.

It's just that when you see glitches which were all too apparent in C2002 and still there in C2004 then it becomes a bit frustrating.

Like wicket keeper not moving 2 yards to pick up a ball. Or some of the crap commentary. I played the game for about 10 minutes and noticed this - where was the testing???

And then there's the things which we were told would be in it but aren't. Lies were told such as World League, buying and selling.

It's the best cricket game, but there's no competition and that's why they get away with it.
Roars87, you are missing my point completely. Firstly, people shouldn't be banned for giving an opinion even if you may think the game is terrific. Secondly, I am not charged to make games and your suggestion to make games in my spare time is nonsense. In my chosen profession I have people to answer to, I have set things which I must adhere to and that is what I am good at. These people that make the game are doing what THEY are supposedly good at. If I didn't meet the demands of my clients then I would have to explain my actions or face the consequences. I cannot do what HB/EA do, but that is completely beside the point. That is their profession. Your argument is therefore non-coherent, and ridiculous. I think that if I am parting with money for a product, the product should be good. It shouldn't be up to me to make the game better. Even the staunchest of fans of this game must admit that this game has got more holes than a golf course.
The bowler starts to bowl a ball, then suddenly one of the silly's walks across the pitch.
I've never seen such a "comic" situation before. Is that why he's called "silly"??
What should the umpire do, is it a no ball, is it a dead ball or what? :-) I think the batsman should kick his woof!!!
I'm not so sure what my conclusions about Cricket 2004 will be. The game is much better than Cricket 2002. I few things that make it some bit less realistic. Per example, the ball is a kind of sailing in the air after being hit. Than the straight forward hit "areal-route" balls: the camera turns and is trying to follow the ball that much too quick crosses the boundary.
It's a pitty that much of the commentary is the same as it was in Cricket 2004.
When diving at quite simple balls, the WK is always missing the ball.

But as an overview, it looks much, much, much more a real cricketgame than Cricket 2002 !!
So, I'm a bit mixed up about my conclusion.
ccshopland....i totally agree with u.

do they even test the game before they release it.

some of the basic cricketing things are all bugged up.

they just don't take the consumers seriously coz they know that no other cricket game is there in the market and good sales are gaureented under their name..."EA SPORTS"
Chill ma' brotha' even Fifa 2004 have some stupid bugs...

Originally posted by destroyersachin@Dec 23 2003, 02:37 PM
Chill ma' brotha' even Fifa 2004 have some stupid bugs...

Do you have a large really extended family on this forum as you seem to be calling everyone your brother ?
cricket may not be widely known, but it will be soon

*Wazim pulls out crowbar(Who's with me?)
i am yet to play this game, yet i am going to give my view, fifa 2004 is a rubbish game compared to the likes of pro evolution sure the commentary is crap on pro evolution but it does not make the game crap, if you let commentary spoil a game you shouldnt just turn it off and put some music on and can i say how bad fifa is it has some terribel glitches players can run through other player goalkeepes can dive through nets without the net breaking i hate fifa 2004. Who really cares if silly mid off walks on the pitch what does that take away from the gameplay, we buy games for the gameplay eg. pro evolution and if this game has good gameplay you buy it, although i dont know all of the bugs most of the bugs i have heard dont seem to major, "the keeper doesnt pick up the ball" did you dislike cricket 2002 beacuase of that?? and can i ask what diffficulty you are playing this game on because if you are finding it hard or to esay either practice or turn the difficulty level either up or down! Irealise they should have fixed this bug from 2002 but does it really do anything other than slow the game down a bit? Sorry bout the long post.
Im with you mate lets torch something and put cricket on the map!
Originally posted by amir51@Dec 23 2003, 10:35 AM
cricket may not be widely known, but it will be soon

*Wazim pulls out crowbar(Who's with me?)
It's the 2nd most popular field game in the world in terms of popularity and revenue after soccer....
To Nickypoo. I play this game on the hardest mode, like every other game I play. The gameplay isn't clever at all. Whilst the batsmen look more fluent than before, the so called computer AI is terrible. I don't know your sort of standard of play, but if you could win all the time in Cricket 2002 then this game will be a breeze. I'm not just judging it on commentary etc, because I really don't care about that, I primarily judge on gameplay. But because the gameplay is terrible, I started picking up on just about everything else that irritated me. You may have a blast with it my friend, but for me it's too easy, annoying and I honestly feel really let down.
okay fair enough everyone i entitled to thier opinion and i dont win every match on cricket 2002 so oh well i have heard the ai is preety good this year round and i did not know you were judging on gameplay but some people have been saying this crap due to the commentary etc etc. anyway i hope you find another game that suits you

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