Andy Flower or Kevin Pietersen - who stays?

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What would be the way back for KP if there's any?

i guess the only way would be if someone other than giles gets the job, or cook continues to be a travesty and is replaced, and either the new coach or captain wanted him back.

but since they paid up his contract and "sacked" him, rather than letting his contract run out and simply not selecting him, i would say there is no way back without the entire hierarchy that made the decision - including Downton, Whitaker and maybe even Clarke - all going.

Also, if he is gonna go off and play as a T20 "mercenary", and not playing much FC cricket, it's impossible for him to state any case to come back anyway.
i guess the only way would be if someone other than giles gets the job, or cook continues to be a travesty and is replaced, and either the new coach or captain wanted him back.

but since they paid up his contract and "sacked" him, rather than letting his contract run out and simply not selecting him, i would say there is no way back without the entire hierarchy that made the decision - including Downton, Whitaker and maybe even Clarke - all going.

Also, if he is gonna go off and play as a T20 "mercenary", and not playing much FC cricket, it's impossible for him to state any case to come back anyway.

It is also about him wanting to come back. He might look at it and realise that it could conceivably take at least 18 months for him to be considered again. He would be nearly 35 by then, potentially missing the next Ashes (which he highlighted as something he was working towards) and at 35 might not feel he has much of a career left at all. He has not exactly been injury free.

e: Also would you want to come back to a team that has unceremoniously dumped you?
Also, if he is gonna go off and play as a T20 "mercenary", and not playing much FC cricket, it's impossible for him to state any case to come back anyway.
yeah i was also thinking along the same lines ,the best way for him to make his case heard would be through a strong season of FC cricket as it will not only make case for his talent but also that he can be part of the team and is still looking to contribute to the nation, but whether he has the drive (he sure should like to prove them wrong) for it remains to be seen and his performances in t20 wont count for much.

The prime minister joins piers in support of KP
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UK peeps on who have skysports, KP just said on his twitter check skysports 2 right now.
It was a show about KP's great innings.

Top stuff from Goughy! A lot of that rings true, and emphasises that Cook is utterly out of his depth.

Did he really think one training session would have any impact in fitness that should have been built up over months? Why did he need Prior to call the meeting? And clearly didn't like hearing the man he owed his position to getting slagged. Just shows Cook got the job so he wouldn't challenge Flower's position.

What I don't understand was how the information from the team meeting got through to Flower. It was a player's meeting for the player's to voice their opinion on Flower, but one snitch decided to run to Daddy.

It seems incredibly moronic. "Let's talk about Flower in the privacy of a player's meeting. However, if you criticise him too much we'll tell him and you'll be sacked." It's a bit like an open door policy, where all it does half the time is create tension. A poor idea to hold the meeting, and an even worse idea to have a fitness session when they are 4-0 down because of their batting. Like you say, one fitness session isn't going to make a difference.

I've been a tentative supporter of Cook up until now, but I think he should resign. The problem is that no one else can possibly be captain.
Because Broad has been a wonderful captain in T20's... I also worry about his reviews and the fact he's too temperamental. Bell can't be captain as he isn't certain of a place, and he's even duller than Cook, as well as showing no leadership skills. I like Morgan and think he should be in the team, but we can't pick someone who hasn't played for 2 years, and he has a poor first class record.
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What would be the way back for KP if there's any?

I would say memory wipe and brain transplant :D He's going to be carrying a lot of baggage into any reconciliation attempts. Gonna be tough to win back his teammates as much as anything.

i guess the only way would be if someone other than giles gets the job, or cook continues to be a travesty and is replaced, and either the new coach or captain wanted him back.

If I were the new England coach, I would be ignoring KP calls for the moment and instead try to focus on Cook's leadership. He is the one who is going to be around England cricket for the longest, so start with Cook and THEN worry about extra stuff like KP. If KP is going to undermine Cook AT ALL, then piss off KP IMHO. On the other hand, if Flower was the common enemy for both KP and Cook, and they both like the new coach, maybe they get back together again and move on. It's just too hard to guess without knowing the true extent of their relationship. But COOK is the priority, not KP.

And lets be honest...KPs recent form has not been awesome anyway. He averages 38 in the last 2 years of Test cricket and just 30 in the last 5 years of ODIs (from here: Numbers Game: Kevin Pietersen - England's batting star across all formats | Cricinfo Magazine | ESPN Cricinfo
If I were the new England coach, I would be ignoring KP calls for the moment and instead try to focus on Cook's leadership. He is the one who is going to be around England cricket for the longest, so start with Cook and THEN worry about extra stuff like KP.

a guy who's played 100 test matches and been captain of ODI's For years isn't suddenly going to develop leadership or tactical ability. Far from being the only candidate, he is palpably unfit for the captaincy, which the "fitness session" thing illustrates. The only thing in his head was "we need to run more", and he was enough of an idiot to think one session would make a difference even if it were true. (the opposite, if they were unfit a single intense session would make them more tired.) the only guy in the squad with the nous and strength of charcter to say "this is balls skip" they sack. Literally mind-boggling.

Cook is the captain the hierarchy want because he's a spineless "head boy" without a single original cricket thought in his "yes sir" head, and he won't challenge the coaches or analysts.
You may be right that Cook is a rubbish leader, but at least making sure that Cook is the problem should be first priority. Muddying the waters by including KP wouldn't help that objective. Give the new coach a look at Cook in the dressing room, as opposed to listening to stories from the papers, and let him decide whether Cook is a leader or not. After you've established that, you move on - either by appointing a new captain, or perhaps bringing KP back under Cook if Cook is impressing.
What the programme last night demonstrated to me is that KP is no dullard. His shots and reasoning for playing them go beyond the showboating and egomania suggested by some. So if he is as good a tactician as it seems, it's even more baffling to me that he was excluded from England's inner circle.

Any other country KP would be captain or vice but we sack him instead.

It's just not cricket, put the kettle on chaps.
This upsets me a lot. I am gradually losing interest in cricket (except for test matches- but only ones involving India, and if not the big series') and KP was one of the players that captured my attention. There was always that hope, and as a cricket fan/viewer, there are few things better than watching Kevin Pietersen in full flow. It made staying up into the late hours or waking up at obscene times all worth it.

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