No Requests AngryPixel's Crazy Download Zone-Index Updated[Hardcore patch readme]

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I'm closing my thread 'coz I'm leaving PC indefinitely. There is only so much personal abuse and insult a person can take without responding to it :mad:and saying something in reply is kinda hard when you get banned/infracted for it. Since some of the better member have already left Pc, its a downhill for PC and there is no hope. There would always be Boom-boom and king-of-fail fans making fun of themselves. And there would be a group who thinks they are above them all.
I'm closing my thread 'coz I'm leaving PC indefinitely. There is only so much personal abuse and insult a person can take without responding to it and saying something in reply is kinda hard when you get banned/infracted for it. Since some of the better member have already left Pc, its a downhill for PC and there is no hope. There would always be Boom-boom and king-of-fail fans making fun of themselves. And there would be a group who thinks they are above them all.

I'm closing my thread 'coz I'm leaving PC indefinitely. There is only so much personal abuse and insult a person can take without responding to it :mad:and saying something in reply is kinda hard when you get banned/infracted for it. Since some of the better member have already left Pc, its a downhill for PC and there is no hope. There would always be Boom-boom and king-of-fail fans making fun of themselves. And there would be a group who thinks they are above them all.

Come on man, don't get bogged down in that rubbish! :(
Who cares about the haters?
Don't leave mate :crying
If you are concerned about the mods, then dont be... I would soon upload on where i'm a full time reviewer now :p Till then mail me at [email protected] for mods.
It's not even just the mods, I'm sure plenty of people will step up to try and fill your shoes, it's more the thought of losing an esteemed member of our community.
You've earnt so much respect here, you've got some loyal followers (myself included), and you'll lob that in the bin? For what? Some haters, who haven't got anything better to do than insult a highly respected PC member? Come on mate, you can do better than that :yes
Hi... I'm back. I would try to find all the downloads and upload them again this sunday(if anyone still need them :p). Sorry for the outburst and thanks for reminding me that i shouldn't leave the forum just coz of some morons. There are still a lot of good members here....;)
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