Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

And the wicketkeeper (brother amla :p) casually walking in to celebrate knowing its about to be caught out. Looks awesome.

And the stadium looks fantastic. I am one of the very few who doesn't really care about authentic stadiums.

By the way ross, please release some high resolution screenshots tomorrow. I need some new wallpapers.
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But the issue is once you know it is never the same... now you know cars in games have perfectly round tires that don't compress as they hit the road but are merely set below the road you cannot "not see it"... illusions are what makes magic
So its better to keep it as secret and not spoil the party. ssshhhhh..... :p
Ross, is that due to limitation of technology or just a bit of "laziness"in making the physics more realistic?

It's just not worth it, I don't know anyone outside of games that has worked it out (unless it's implemented poorly of course :) )
Looks beautiful. Looks a little bit like Lords. I also don't care about authentic stadiums. I am absolutely buzzing for the details tomorrow/today.

P.S- What is with the Asians and making analogies about how desperate they are for this game.
At this time we have NO licensed national sides.
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The Ashes license is in a bad place if their game releases and looks anything like this then I wouldn't call my game by that name unless it was an extraordinary deal.

Ok,my bad.,I guess it could be Big bash then :p .,anyways,I really do not care about any licenses,just pure gameplay would do :cheers; looking forward to the game being released asap.... can't wait,good job Ross & Co :cheers:thumbs
At this time we have licensed national sides.

Should that be taken that you have "some licensed national sides" or "All national sides licensed"?

Also, is it possible that Ross might have got an ICC license that covers all the teams? It might match the statement he made about having "less licenses" than AC2013 but being able to do more with them?

Or am I way off the mark Ross?

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