Is the thing with the colour code an April Fool's thing or is it an actual error as it just mucked up the latest update of my story and the first page of my story. If it's an April Fool's thing the staff can have fun fixing it all back as I ain't wasting my time doing it, and if it's an error, fine I'll fix it myself once the error is fixed
Wouldn't it be awesome if the staff ratings were totally reversed for the day ??
I mean , newbies boasting Administrator and legends being School boy cricketers !
That whole Tendulk@r thing is making reading the Cricket Leagues threads quite a struggle, I posted a comment about him making 200 in a match in GPL, and it came up Sarfaraz Khan, surely you could've set it to only a few threads.
Add the smileys filter to that . I gave Aditya a happy smiley in a VM which turned itslef into a 'sad' one and he started questioning me why i was sad ??
Is it only me or has everyone be deprived of that 'quick reply' mode ?? I mean , when i click on 'Post quick reply' , usually it gets posted immediately but now for the last 24 hours or so , it completely reloads the page before my new post is added .
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