Anyone had this happen? - is it a bug?


School Cricketer
Jul 25, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
I finally bought the game and after a few teething problems, I find something happening that I can't solve.
When a left handed batsman plays an 'off-drive' the game locks up at the point where his bat makes contact with the ball. I then need to re-boot the computer.

Has anyone had this happen or know of a solution?
i have seen the error of my ways.
I now know that all people at nz warriors are a bunch of fools who dont think twice before making baseless allegations.

The mods/admins/contributors of this site and are really great!
Evan1 - from the tone of your reply you are obviously a twat.
My question was aimed at the geniuine users of the game that want to help others and who can answer my question - not at *****rs like you who want to stir it up.

I don't have add ons.

To the mods at this site: apologies for my language but I find some of the childishness at Cricket 2002 sites hard to take at times.

I still need an answer to my origional question if anyone can help.
hi iant, what type of system are you running mate.
I haven't had this happen to me before but I'll try it out and see if it does.

and as for you evan1, this site is for people who what to talk about cricket 2002 and problems they have in the game not problems they have in life as it sound you do. Just because someone can take the game and make make it better, and you can't, don't mean you can rip into them.
I think what iant about you is right, your just being childshness, please stay off here till you can grow up.
iant and aussieboy, thanks for your back-up. Don't worry about some of the fools who post ridiculous threads on this site; we're getting used to it! Hopefully soon they'll get fed up and go and play in the sandpit elsewhere.
Btw, as far as I know, neither Ste nor myself have submitted any add-ons to c2k2 Online or anywhere else, so that blows that argument out of the water!

About your problem iant, it's happened to me once when I was bowling and the cpu tried to off drive a yorker, but that was it.
Are you using keyboard or gamepad? If the keyboard, you may need to configure your keypad. I'm not sure on this, as I play with a gamepad, but I think there's a thread/FAQ/tips section on this somewhere. Ritwick should be able to advise, or try doing a search of this forum...
Good luck!
Thanks guys.
I am running a P3 600 Celeron, 128MB Ram, W98, TNT2 32Mb video card and Creative SB 128 soundcard.

I have had no problems other than this particular shot.

I have only played test matches so far but I wouldn't expect that it would be different in ODI as the motion captures are the same.

I played for about 5 hours over since the last time it happened but I can't remember seeing a left hander playing this drive (it seems to only occur when the CPU is batting) so I expect the game to crash next time too.

In the past I've seen other crashes like this happen in other games when the program calls a sound file which is missing or corrupted.

I also wondered if there is an error in a .SAF file which would only be seen depending on the timing of the shot. I haven't had time to search these yet.
If you like, post your e-mail and I'll send you the original safs and bin files for the cover drive to see if that helps. Let me know how you get on.
Thanks but a development since my last post, the same thing happened with a right hander. Odd that it appeared to be an 'On-drive' this time but I can't be certain as the lock-up happened on contact with the bat.

However I started to look at the .saf files and found that in the sdrive.saf file, 3 of the 'frame' values were '0'. I have Looking at a good number of the other saf files I didn't see any others with this value. If this is the start frame of the motion capture it is more likely to begin with 1 or -1 rather than 0 (I have experience working with motion captures). So I altered those values (to 15) and I'll see what happens.

But what I wonder is if I haven't changed those values myself and I am running the game with the origional settings - why doesn't this lock-up happen to everyone? - odd.
Anyway I would appreciate the origionals Jonah as it will save me re-installing. [email protected]

Edited By iant on 1046096557
I am fairly certain that none of the frame values should be 0 in the game, so you may find that by changing all yours to 15 may well solve your problem.
I am interested to see that you have experience with motion captures, so could you explain how you think the frame value interacts with the motion capture of the different shots ?

have you experimented with the captures like changing bowling actions, strokes, fielding captures etc?
I am interested to see that you have experience with motion captures, so could you explain how you think the frame value interacts with the motion capture of the different shots ?
When I posted a few weeks ago for advice on buying C2002 I mentioned my interest in the HighHeat Baseball series of games by 3DO. I have been developing add-ons and enhancements for that game since I worked out the system of encoding of the motion captures about 3 years ago. I am a moderator at a leading site for that game based in the US - (I am a Brit though) and have my own site at but this is really just somewhere to park the files I make for downloads.

Motion capture files are like movie film and made in frames and each frame has a reference number which is not anything complicated- just from 1 upwards -1 is also used but why is more complicated. Anyway, I have not had a lot of time to study the files in C2002 but I think that the Frame number in the SAF files (note: NOT the Keyframe) is either the first or last frame called by the program to run the motion capture determined by which keys or buttons on the gamepad etc. It wouldn't be difficult to find out which.
This probably isn't new to the guys that have worked on these at this site.

I would like though to crack the relationship between the motion capture files ( the .bin) files if I remember correctly (bear with me as I'm not at my own computer as I write this so I can't see C2002) and the file oh, whats it called MBC.dat I think it is for Motion Blending Control. You will see another file called MBC_PC.dat which is related and that one can be read with a text reader. However the game will run without this MBC_PC file but requires the .dat one or it will crash but I cant find a reason for the PC one to be there if it doesn't effect the game. (I think I got those names right but you'll see them in the captures folder I think it is). If we can work out how to effect changes to the MBC.dat file it'll give us great control over the animations in the game. Simply making changes to the MBC_PC.dat file doesn't appear to do anything. If we can control these two files (or the mbc.dat one alone perhaps) we will then have control of most aspects of the animations in the game including start and finish point and mor importantly, speed. A bit of experimentation with the frame numbers might throw up something. In many games more motions are made than are ever seen because of limited development time and many game makers will put in mocaps for use in future releases of the game. I don't know if C2002 is such a case but I'd like to know.

A big pain in the A** I have is that every time I close C2002 I need to reboot my computer before I can start the game up again... this dampens my enthusiasm to experiment as it takes too long. I think I am correct in saying changes to the .saf files (altering frame numbers) won't kick in by simply alt/tabbing?

If I can find out more eventually I'll report it here.

Jonah - Thanks again - I'll pick those up when I get back to my own machine.

Edited By iant on 1046132949
thanks for the comprehensive reply. Looked at your website and you have certainly made some files for High Heat - if only I played Baseball games :)

I don't think anyone here has ever talked about the motion captures in the depth you have before, so please report back with any further findings. So, these frame values then, by altering the values it may alter the speed of the animations? As you say, experimentation maybe a good place to start.

The keyframe values are to do with the timing of the stroke.
keyframe 2 = perfect timing
keyframe 1 = late timing
keyframe 3 = early timing etc

Presumably these keyframes are tied in with the frame values ?

I am afraid I don't understand what mocaps are. Are these motion captures that are not used in current game.? Are you hoping to discover some that can be used in C2002

As for your reboots, have you tried amending the zero frame values yet to 15 and seeing what happens. And yes, alt+tab won't work when altering saf files. Used to in BLC, but not in c2002 :(

I hope you are able to make progress on this game real soon - good luck
Interesting stuff Ian.
I know Ravi was experimenting with the frame values, but haven't heard from him recently. If you're still out there Ravi, perhaps you could convey any findings you've made to Ian?

Edited By jonah on 1046204588
I am afraid I don't understand what mocaps are. Are these motion captures that are not used in current game.? Are you hoping to discover some that can be used in C2002

As for your reboots, have you tried amending the zero frame values yet to 15 and seeing what happens. And yes, alt+tab won't work when altering saf files. Used to in BLC, but not in c2002 :(
Yes I have altered the values to 15 and the problem seems to have been solved.

But I wasn't clear - I was having to reboot after playing C2002 before I could fire the game up again - not just because of the game locking up because of my 'off-drive' problem- but even if I exited the game to the main menu screen then wanted to play another one. I found that as soon as I clicked on 'start game' for a second game - I'd get a blank screen and a lock-up. However I found a solution by changing the sceen resolution before trying to play another game.

Neither was I clear about unused motion captures. I don't know that there are any in C2002 but it is not unusual for game developers to put them in for future use.Only by finding out more about the file formats will we get any closer to discovering if there are or not.

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