Ashes Cricket delayed officially

With all this ridiculous talk of banning, shutting down forums and lynch-mob posting I don't blame Chief for staying away right now. You'd think he was euthanizing puppies or something today...

Well he has checked in a few times and has declined to say anything for a week or two, so he has had plenty of opportunity. Whether he could, only he knows at the moment.
I think the bigger problem, which I raised further back... is why didn't they just let everyone know it was delayed weeks ago at the Lords event. That was the place to do it... upfront, honest and with game in hand to ease the pain.
I think the bigger problem, which I raised further back... is why didn't they just let everyone know it was delayed weeks ago at the Lords event. That was the place to do it... upfront, honest and with game in hand to ease the pain.

Well officially they still haven disclosed the delay....and we are just 3 days away from the release date :P
I think the bigger problem, which I raised further back... is why didn't they just let everyone know it was delayed weeks ago at the Lords event. That was the place to do it... upfront, honest and with game in hand to ease the pain.

Thank you! Common sense
Maybe Chief found out PC is planing to drop 2 antimatter bombs on 505 head office if the game had any bugs !! so they are double checking the game now :yes
Maybe Chief found out PC is planing to drop 2 antimatter bombs on 505 head office if the game had any bugs !! so they are double checking the game now :yes

Well you could have followed your own advice but declined to. Get out now, there is still a chance......sshhh, I wont tell anyone............
three days to go..and no game conformation about release date....this game is going to be failed and worst than ac09 and ic 2010....we are not fools to buy this game without any gameplay video or trailer...what sort of developers are 505 and trickstar....
I think the bigger problem, which I raised further back... is why didn't they just let everyone know it was delayed weeks ago at the Lords event. That was the place to do it... upfront, honest and with game in hand to ease the pain.

Because it was not delayed that time. That event was held on 24th I suppose and they also released screenshots a week after the lords event.
I think the bigger problem, which I raised further back... is why didn't they just let everyone know it was delayed weeks ago at the Lords event. That was the place to do it... upfront, honest and with game in hand to ease the pain.

They want the pre orders now and are gambling on people not cancelling them in too great numbers if it is delayed a bit.......the game is heading the charts at this moment which is A. Incredible and B. Proof that we are dealing with a market that is oblivious to all the goings on that we are aware of.
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three days to go..and no game conformation about release date....this game is going to be failed and worst than ac09 and ic 2010....we are not fools to buy this game without any gameplay video or trailer...what sort of developers are 505 and trickstar....

Well you thought they named themselves out of the blue??? :p
Because it was not delayed that time. That event was held on 24th I suppose and they also released screenshots a week after the lords event.

Of course it was delayed then. We had been hearing that for LITERALLY weeks. NOTHING could possibly have changed in that very small space of time to delay the game any further than it was at that point in time...

They knew (and know now) exactly what the status of the game is and at no point have been upfront about that to ANYONE and the only thing we've had to go on are Barmy's confirmed sources and the COMPETITION who have more information about it than we do. Literally... "the other guys" knew about the delay and the processes that had to happen, which had not and could not possibly have happened at that point in time.

Again; That's my issue. Why not just be upfront about it? It doesn't hurt pre-orders, because you're just letting people know that the game is coming, just a little later than expected. Other than the crazies in this thread, peoples frustrations aren't coming because the game is delayed moreso it's coming from the fact we've essentially, been completely kept in the dark and at worst, lied to.

...and the release date? Well, what we can assess based on what we know, going to be the end of July at the earliest.
They were still working on it at that time - unless they were certain how much work they had left, they were delayed at that time.

Might be possible. May be they announced the original release date "21st June" too early. They would have thought that the time before the release date is sufficient to complete the development of the game.

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