I think the non-disclosure of the delay is more to do with them not really knowing where the game was at and the bug-testing to get the thing running. The fact we only found out a few weeks ago that fielding would be automatic seems to suggest they are busy removing features that are too difficult to fix to get the game on the shelf to meet their agreements with licence holders, etc. That's all assumption, but I think it's a pretty fair one based on what we're learning now...
Matt might see it differently, but other than perhaps being caught off guard by how far through their own development process BigAnt was with their title (which, to be fair... has been moved around date-wise it's fair share too but seems far closer to completion now) 505/Trickstar would not be worrying in the slightest what the BA product team are doing because the two games really are WORLDS apart when it comes to how they're being made, features included and so on...
...this un-announced delay other than frustrating, just gives me a feeling of unease about collecting pre-orders (and money) based on a date they clearly knew they weren't going to hit for some time. Ethically, I can't (and won't) support that. Hence my pre-order is cancelled and I'll wait until the thing is out in the wild before assessing whether I want it or not.
...even at the price point, the money-side becomes less relevant to putting my money where my morals are at this point, and morally... to not disclose a delay of any sort open and honestly, while still collecting pre-orders and/or sales... is decidedly average.