Ashes Cricket PC Released

I'm having a few issues myself; I'll put my machine specs here before detailing the problems....

Intel i5-6600 3.5GhZ
8 gig RAM

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB GPU RAM

My problems (and they may be unrelated to the game so far):

Massive resource use: often 100% of disk use and 90% or so of the GPU.

Stuttering/freezing: most often on loading screens and during transitions (ie a new batsman coming out)

Variable frame rate: never consistently one set of frames, hovers when eventually a bit more stable over 60 FPS.

I'm not going to hold BA to account for this as there's no patch (which often settles this all down, I found similar issues going into DBC 17 as well).

Any suggestions in the meantime?

have same issue in ashes with me .. freezees and bad framerate
I got the career game crash to desktop when trying to play a game in 1600 x 1200 resolution. Swapped to 1920 x 1080 (1080p) and managed to get passed the menu screen that causes the crash.

My problem was that by then having to play in that resolution I thought the graphics looked very poor compared to the PS4 version.

As I only play career mode, I decided that a refund was the best option, and I'll stick to my PS4 version.
Just bought the game for unreasonable price of INR 3799, as I cannot stop myself from buying it. Waited too long for not to care about it. I hope Ross can realize the potential Indian market has, INR2500 would have given him thrice the sales or even more. How come Australians,NZ and Canada can get it for INR 2700-3000 and we Indians got a bitter deal, is beyond me. Hope the game is worth it.

Well it’s obviously not unreasonable if you ended up buying it...
Hey guys. its a great game. Everything is looking organized and more stable from gameplay to menu screens.. I got the game yesterday at 10:30 pm IST. Spent 2 hours updating teams ,stadiums, bats and logos. Then started playing the game. I am a gamer who likes to play at hardest difficulty.So i decided legend hardest for batting with 100 gameplay modifier on everything. But 23 as default in Ball Marker. It was really difficult. I toggled gameplay modifiers and increased the ball marker timing. It helped me in timing. I was mainly leaving the new ball. and then after settling down i was able to play seam nicely on hardest.. Great challenge it was. just like real cricket.But against spin i am not able to defend the ball at all leave playing the shots.. So that is looking a bit odd. So can anyone tell me how to use my modifiers as in this message i have described my style of play and taste.And also can somebody tell me what happens when you toggle Gameplay modifiers as 'off'.Thankyou. Any help would be appreciated. Great game.
is anyone else having the issue of not receiving their activation code in the email despite getting it resent?
is anyone else having the issue of not receiving their activation code in the email despite getting it resent?

There was an activation email issue very early after release but it's been resolved. If it's not in your spam folder, re-request a code and it should arrive soon after.
I think we need to give them time to rectify some of the niggling issues post the current patch. I am sure they will try their best to resolve these issues. One thing is certain, their customer support is much better than other developers. We also need to keep in mind there are millions of code return to make a game and its not easy to say fix this and that as it will/may have impact on other parts of the game. Considering they are the only makers of good cricket game, we should give them time to breath and I am sure a future patch will address some of these issues. I personally am yet to download the game on PC as I am overseas. Just waiting to come back to AUS before downloading it.

But I am excited and will support them. If we as community don't support them, then there will no cricket game released in the future. I know some will feel the pinch as to how expensive the game is. But the reality is without making profit, they cannot survive in such a small niche industry. I have personally met these developers during DBC17 release and I could feel how motivated they were to showcase the game though we know it had its fair share of pitfalls.
BA have always protected the price of their games. I assume this Argos sale is trying to shift as many of their units as possible while the series is still live, rather than anything BA have done - its such a busy release schedule that shelf space is utterly premium right now. They're probably shifting it at cost.
Looks like the game really struggled in stores: hopefully most of that market has moved to digital by now. I know I haven't bought a physical copy of a game since 2010 or 11!
BA have always protected the price of their games. I assume this Argos sale is trying to shift as many of their units as possible while the series is still live, rather than anything BA have done - its such a busy release schedule that shelf space is utterly premium right now. They're probably shifting it at cost.
Looks like the game really struggled in stores: hopefully most of that market has moved to digital by now. I know I haven't bought a physical copy of a game since 2010 or 11!

Probably doesn't help that England are getting trounced either.
That's the killer for me at the moment. DBC 17 hasn't been reduced in price at all so far, though that might be because it's only been out for 11 months (!)...but as you say, when console versions are already being reduced, this seems unlikely to happen on Steam, which makes it particularly disappointing to see such a high price to begin with. From what I've read elsewhere on here, the game seems to have been largely marketed towards casual gamers, in which case the price doesn't seem to make sense to me, but maybe it's just to maximise profits with the marketing that's been put into it this time.

I think the real problem though is the existence of DBC 17. If this was the first game since DBC 14, with all the upgrades, then we probably wouldn't be so bothered, but I've put almost 1000 hours over the last year into what to me seems to be more or less the same game, minus a new interface and improved animations, etc. I had been looking forward to AC and so hadn't played DBC for a month or two to give myself a break before the new game. After seeing the price yesterday, I decided to wait, and went back and played another game in my DBC 17 career mode, after which I'm struggling to explain to myself why I would pay £50 for a new game which is more or less the same.

For the record, I've put almost 2000 hours into the two DBC games combined, so I'm not trying to be negative for the sake of it, but as a genuine question, for those of you who had DBC 17 as well, I would love to know your thoughts on if AC is worth it, at least at the current price. I may well end up getting it in a month or two instead, when things have hopefully improved, and ideally the price is not so high, but we'll see. I don't mind carrying on with DBC 17 for a while.

Yep, nailed it. I had actually uninstalled DBC17 because the field setting bugs in career mode made me mad but reinstalled last night to create an Ashes tour (and to drop Cook and Vince and bring back Stokes) using Fearsome Tweak and having played that, read the bugs and feedback forums on batting and seen some gameplay videos there is no way I can spend £50 on Ashes. It's a shame because I've bought both games on both PS4 and PC before hand but with the same issues from '17 seemingly carrying over and a whole host of new ones with the batting etc I won't be buying again until I've seen either a significant price drop or the game is patched to a level where posters I trust on this board are wishlisting small things rather than being concerned about major issues re fielding, batting etc.
Yep, nailed it. I had actually uninstalled DBC17 because the field setting bugs in career mode made me mad but reinstalled last night to create an Ashes tour (and to drop Cook and Vince and bring back Stokes) using Fearsome Tweak and having played that, read the bugs and feedback forums on batting and seen some gameplay videos there is no way I can spend £50 on Ashes. It's a shame because I've bought both games on both PS4 and PC before hand but with the same issues from '17 seemingly carrying over and a whole host of new ones with the batting etc I won't be buying again until I've seen either a significant price drop or the game is patched to a level where posters I trust on this board are wishlisting small things rather than being concerned about major issues re fielding, batting etc.
DBC14 was £31.49 on release (checked my purchase history), around that level I may have been tempted but £50... Nah, not a chance... It would need to be something spectacular with no major issues to justify that price.
career mode looking good and inspiring

I also experience the jitter or stuttering and the fluctuating frame rates. I get this only while bowling and fielding and whenever a new batsman or a wicket falls(cutscene basically). I know they will fix it in the next patch, just mentioning it here for the sake of mentioning.
Again thanks BIG ANT for such a nice game to Pc, even though its price here in India was high due to GST, I guess. I bought this game after DBC 14 just to support their intention of licensing and better gameplay(easier for noobs like me).
Stadiums and licensed teams look decent... stuff like this looks horrible though.

well, for me at least that was a beautiful picture.
Graphics have improved, and i like a lot the atmosphere. Only problem is there are still some of the old backgrounds used in dbc17, that i really didnt like
and killed the magic for me, being both a casual and hardcore player.

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