AMA Ask Asad! New Questions Appreciated! (Tag me when you ask)


Your favorite cricket match of all time ?

Have you ever travelled in other countries ?
Have you ever climbed a tree and got stuck?:D

Have you ever had to run from danger?:eek:

Do you celebrate Easter?:wave
Sorry I just saw your post @Princess Saffron. Apologies for the delay

Have you ever climbed a tree and got stuck?:D
I love doing weird stuff and failing, but never really got stuck on a tree.

Have you ever had to run from danger?:eek:
This will be a funny answer, although you asked a very serious question. So, this is back when I was 9 or 10 and we used to have a rooster at home. It was the day of Eid (the biggest festival for Muslims) and I went towards the porch-kinda area we had. The rooster usually would be in a cage there, but someone let it out that day. So, it saw me and advanced aggressively towards me. I being a kid started running all around the home and it ran after me. I fell in the meantime and its beak hit me straight at my cheek. I had a red mark for a week, and it hurt badly. That too on the day of the biggest celebration. Now I laugh at it, but back then it was really serious. :lol :lol

Do you celebrate Easter?:wave
Personally, I never had the opportunity to celebrate Easter but there are millions of Christians here and they celebrate it with great passion. By the way, Halloween is now quite common here for everyone. We celebrate it in school, and it's great fun!

Need more questions, guys!
How many memes do you have saved? :p
Where did you see this freaking boy's picture for the first time?
Sorry I just saw your post @Princess Saffron. Apologies for the delay

I love doing weird stuff and failing, but never really got stuck on a tree.

This will be a funny answer, although you asked a very serious question. So, this is back when I was 9 or 10 and we used to have a rooster at home. It was the day of Eid (the biggest festival for Muslims) and I went towards the porch-kinda area we had. The rooster usually would be in a cage there, but someone let it out that day. So, it saw me and advanced aggressively towards me. I being a kid started running all around the home and it ran after me. I fell in the meantime and its beak hit me straight at my cheek. I had a red mark for a week, and it hurt badly. That too on the day of the biggest celebration. Now I laugh at it, but back then it was really serious. :lol :lol

Personally, I never had the opportunity to celebrate Easter but there are millions of Christians here and they celebrate it with great passion. By the way, Halloween is now quite common here for everyone. We celebrate it in school, and it's great fun!

Need more questions, guys!
Great answers! :D
I can imagine the rooster chillin out on your porch! :lol:lol:lol
Where did you see this freaking boy's picture for the first time?
Somewhere in a meme on Instagram. I found it funny so saved it but cropped out the meme and just kept the kid's picture.
I meant I found it funny. :lol

What are the highest number of alerts you've received?
What eventually happened to your rooster? :D

How many cousins do you have? (I'm from a massive family and have over 50!):eek:

Do you live in a busy town? :wave

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