Ask Questions to EA Sports Producer Andrew Wilson

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Surely asking why we should believe anything he says after all the lies he told last time isn't too insulting? I'm sure he'd want to defend himself. This is probably the only time we're going to get contact with EA, and the first chance to communicate with them about Cricket 2004, and we must let them know how we feel. If we don't ask these questions, then we're just doing Wilson's job for him, and we're insulting all of us who were hugely dissapointed with Cricket 2004. Let's have some balls here. Don't let EA have an easy ride. Let our voices be heard. If we don't EA are going to continue providing substandard products. I get the impression that we're bending over backwards to help EA, even though they've spent the last 18 months ignoring us. And if we don't take this oppurtunity, then we're just going to get the same crap service again. Let Wilson work for our money. Give him the tough questions. See if he can wriggle out of it. Demand a second interview after the game. Just don't continue to kiss his arse. I'm sure all forum members would agree we need to ask these tough questions. Old Chinese Proverb: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Totally correct. There were some useless questions in the first part like about online mode which he already answered in the interview with XBOX World and same thing this time too like bat license etc. when we all know that they don't have any license. So why not ask questions which matters like about gameplay etc. Every question is important here as EA don't reply much.
We can say that kind of thing to him that last some promised features were not in the game and lot of disappointment emerged.So people are bit unsure this time what you will say in this regard to make them satisfy.It is better way then criticizing directly on him as Ste said he may not answer the severe criticisum.
i totally totally agree with sunil instead of asking him questions that he already answered some place we should ask him more things about the gameplay and new features
ask andrew some gameplay and a.i questions for god sake instead of online play etc.

will there be sledging and taunting? if not,why?

will players have their exact face,body structure?

will you improve the celeberation in crk5? because the celebration sucks in all cric games
e.g in c2k4 bowlers would just walk around even after taking a crucial wicket.

will c2k5 have the same dull/boring crowd and commentory as in c2k4?

why can't you have more than 2 commentators in c2k5?

in my opinion tony greig,ian bishop,dean jones,ravi shashtri,manjrekar are much much
better than richie benaud.also we will have a change.

will there be injuries on the field?

will there be any changes in the wicket keeper A.I ?
A good question to ask him in the next interview:

  • How long has your team worked on the AI of Cricket 2005 to make that good instead of the graphics?
Another question :

If Cricket 2005 is as good as you describe, wouldn't you have to have worked on it a little longer then what is said? Also, will you be able to make up your own tours, and a schedule of what the tour will be. And, will all the lineups be the latest lineups? Will you include the latest new players?
can you tell me the exact date of c2005 release and when it is going to release in India?
i've got a question......

Why should we buy this game instead of BLIC, and what makes it better?
Hicksy551993 said:
i've got a question......

Why should we buy this game instead of BLIC, and what makes it better?
yea i too got a question for u
wat makes you think that ou shd buy blic instead of this and how come you think blic will be better
simple question to andrew
now that he said that the demo will be released
1) will it demo be out before or after the release
2) can we bat and bowl, instead of doing any one in the demo
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