Ask Questions to EA Sports Producer Andrew Wilson

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Pakistani cricket enthusiast

Will there be a change in the kits of pakistani team and other teams or ... the same kits as cricket 2004
Lol,Graphics and Licenses are the only thing EA can be proud of.
gold639 said:
Lol,Graphics and Licenses are the only thing EA can be proud of.

well that leaves Gameplay and at the moment we cant say either Cricket 2005 or BLIC can be proud of it ....... we havnt seen gameplay on either
Even if the gameplay is poor,I'm sure the patchers here will be able to make it better :)
i dont think so bcoz BLIC 2005 is in the race and EA will try to put the best in the game this is there last chance now.
Questions for EA SPORTS

PLease answer in yes or no and don;t add in the crap that you always do : Will there be South African and New zealand Domestic competition, like earlier promised?

Yor N: have you fixed the bugs that infested 2002 and 2004?

Y or N: will it be realistic, or will i be able to finish a test match in a day?

Y or N: r u going to lie to all ur customers again, bearing in mind that with many, this is the last straw, and if this game is a bad as 2004, we probably wont trust u again?
tsyrmas said:
PLease answer in yes or no and don;t add in the crap that you always do : Will there be South African and New zealand Domestic competition, like earlier promised?

Yor N: have you fixed the bugs that infested 2002 and 2004?

Y or N: will it be realistic, or will i be able to finish a test match in a day?

Y or N: r u going to lie to all ur customers again, bearing in mind that with many, this is the last straw, and if this game is a bad as 2004, we probably wont trust u again?
I think i can Answer these for you (On behalf of Andrew!).

1. Of course! (Maybe)

2. It will be very realistic,like real life! (Of course it won't be)

3. We never lie! And trust me,you will trust us....always!
:D I hope you are satisfied! ;)

gold639 said:
Even if the gameplay is poor,I'm sure the patchers here will be able to make it better :)
How about people with a PS2.Everybody forgets us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad
gold639 said:
Even if the gameplay is poor,I'm sure the patchers here will be able to make it better :)
but why should patchers waste their time on remaking of the gameplay , patches and mods should enchance the original gameplay but here patchers have to build the whole gameplay them selves all thx to c2004
This is a question from all the cricket fans from North America -

Will Cricket 2005 be releasing in North America? If no, then why not?

Will there be a NTSC version for Xbox/PS2?
Big_Boss said:
This is a question from all the cricket fans from North America -

Will Cricket 2005 be releasing in North America? If no, then why not?

Will there be a NTSC version for Xbox/PS2?

No its not going to be released in North America. My orthodontist's son has worked in the devloping team to make cricket 2005, and i've found out that they're not releasing it in Canada and the U.S. :mad But im getting a free computer copy :D

BTW, since i live 20 mins away from The EA building, and since i know a guy who worked on the game (see above) im going to test it out on Sunday, I'll let you guys know how it went

Thanks Zreh, I thought they were going to release it in North America because I just read this at Ea's website...

EAUK_Sentience - Site Admin: Hi Sarath26uk8, there are no plans to release Cricket 2005 in the US. I'm afraid your only option would be to import the PC version if you've got a powerful enough PC.

Zreh4: you are 100% wrong!

I live in Canada, and my cousin and his team developed cricket 2005. It will be available in NTSC in Canada. And if its available in Canada, then it most probably will be avalable in the US.

Your the same guy (Zreh4), now I guess there won't be a NTSC version - but we can request Andrew Wilson - who knows maybe it will work:upray
Big_Boss said:
Thanks Zreh, I thought they were going to release it in North America because I just read this at Ea's website...

Your the same guy (Zreh4), now I guess there won't be a NTSC version - but we can request Andrew Wilson - who knows maybe it will work:upray

yeah, at first they were going to make the game available here in NA, but shortly after i poseted that, i found out that they were not going to be releasing it here. My bad.
It sucks for the other people here, but im not too disappointed becaus I get a free copy anyways..
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