Ask Questions to the Cricket Coach Development Team!

it look really good, how many divisoions are included? state levels or seconds
Its got lots of BUGS and errors while in game play and trying to load on window mode!
Of course they will!!! That's why they are not replying now - they're busy sorting out the bugs!
Yeah i guess. I think they should re release it and let people trial it again with the new changes/fixes
Cowburn199 said:
Yeah i guess. I think they should re release it and let people trial it again with the new changes/fixes

You guys have just got to be patient. I am very confident that Glenn and Oli will work hard to fix these bugs and then, I feel people should get the decent game that they hoped for.
Bulk said:
Why have you released such a half finished shoddy product?

The final beta was realistic with none of the errors mentioned today. Having had the benefit of playing the game without any major bugs, I would urge you all to be patient and wait for Glenn and Oli to fix these bugs.
ke, you guys need to lay off.
how many cricket games are released per year? not much, be happy they try, and they will go on developing it, I reckon there will be a fix within the near future, which will solve a lot of problems!
have any of you guys played the 1st CM game ? it was buggy as hell, and one of the first in his sort, but it had potential, wouldnt you love this game if it didnt suffer from all the bugs it has at the moment?
I bet you would, I loved my last B?ta as it was really enjoyable!
and I havnt seen the things you saw, Yes Australia was a bit poor in my test version, but England scoring over 800 runs? nope never saw it.
all scores were pretty realistic.
you guys just have to be happy some one tries! and lay off, believe me they will work hard on fixing those problems, and when they have, this game will be ace.
Heres one:

Have you ever seen a game where a team wins because of a bigger first innings total?

I bet you haven't.
Kweek said:
ke, you guys need to lay off.
how many cricket games are released per year? not much, be happy they try,
you guys just have to be happy some one tries! and lay off, believe me they will work hard on fixing those problems, and when they have, this game will be ace.

What a load of rubbish mate, they are trying to make a game to make them money, why does that mean they need to be molly coddled and told everythings rosy?

If this was freeware, then fair enough, but it isn't. It is a product that they expect people to pay upwards of ?20 for. Looking through the bugs the game has no depth whatsoever. It lacks in anything but pretty visuals. So end of the day, there is more than just bugs to be dissapointed with. I could go on and on listing where this game fails to deliver, but I have neither the will nor time.

You ask how many games of this type are released.. well Icc2005 for one, and that plays like cricket. How many more do you need? These sorts of games are supposed to be long-term games that can occupy a gamer for ages, despite the few clones there was only ever Champ Man on the Pc, and noone needed another management game. Sorry if I sound like I am ranting, but to ask paying public to "put up" with a half finished product that lacks in any depth just because there is only one other game of its type out, well thats just tosh.
What a load of rubbish mate, they are trying to make a game to make them money, why does that mean they need to be molly coddled and told everythings rosy?
how well exactly do you know Oli?
not I bet.
shutup, there's no truth in that!
they are making the game out of love for the game ! what your saying is just redicilous!

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