Attaching a skin

I will have to support Hooper here. All the team logos go to the mlms folder, while the skins go to the bkdps folder. iloveireland even you have all the logos in the mlms folder, and one skin file for some bizarre reason :rolleyes: . You could trying swaping the files and see the results for yourself.
The one in the background folder doesn't work in mine for some reason. When I change skin I use that one and it works so if it isn't there for you then all I can say is, meh. Maybe miine is different to yours because I bought it in Australia.
So did I. I have ICC06. I dont think it matters where you bought it from anyways lol
Bkdps is the correct folder for skins. Overlays are for the match frame but they go in Bkdps anyway. Mlms is for logo's, although never tried putting a skin in that folder. Just easier in bkdps as it has the skin bitmap pics already there...
Bkdps is the correct folder for skins. Overlays are for the match frame but they go in Bkdps anyway. Mlms is for logo's, although never tried putting a skin in that folder. Just easier in bkdps as it has the skin bitmap pics already there...

Mine didn't though, that is my point
But that picture isnt even a skin. Its a screenshot aint it lol
:o I meant the picture in your MLMS folder that you call a "Skin".
YOU ARE STUPID! You cant even make a mtchFrme work! You dont put them in th MLMS folder, Bkdps holds all skins! MLMS has all logos! How many times do you have to be told! Eveyone here on this ICC forum knows that!
It works on mine so, well what can I say. It loads that one. I must have changed the link or something when I was making my own skins.

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