Attention ATI Radeon User's


Chairman of Selectors
Mar 13, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Want Blic graphics to make Cricket 2005 graphics look like a steaming pile of cow poo? Well download a program called Ati Tray Tools, oe use the 6.2 version of catalyst ati drivers. Be sure to select/tick the following,

Anti Aliasing x 6
Temporal Anti Aliasing **
Anistropic Filtering x 16
High Quality Anistropic Filtering **

You will need a pretty good card to be able to run the game at these specs, obviously you should be running the game at the minimum res of 1280x1024 or better. Keep all the in game blic graphic settings at maximum, inclduing the config file of when you first install the game. Then crack up the graphic settings on your ati card. Then be amazed at the level of detail. :onpc :onpc

Tested on an Ati Radeon X800XL AGP
Core Clock Speed 425Mhz
Memory Speed at 1025Mhz
No ATI.... Nvidia is the best
If i want to update my Nvidia FX5200 driver or download any catylist then from where can i download ...

umm.. right, ati drivers = nvidia drivers =
Love Cricket said:
No ATI.... Nvidia is the best
If i want to update my Nvidia FX5200 driver or download any catylist then from where can i download ...


Er ati tray tools is, strangely enough for ati cards only. You could try a program called riva tuner for nvidia i think, but to be honest the Fx5200 is a crap card.
For people who have only got a nVidia Ge-Force 4 440MX or simular can you post a screenshot of what the graphics look like with these settings?
Ste said:
For people who have only got a nVidia Ge-Force 4 440MX or simular can you post a screenshot of what the graphics look like with these settings?

Oh i forgot to mention, if you have an ati card, and download and use ati tray tools, you should also enable Adaptive anti aliasing, and enable it to the quality setting. This is a super duper anti aliasing, which is only available on the latest ati grahpic cards, however ati tray tools let you use it on any ati card, but it works well on the x800 series ati cards. It makes all games look awesome. Because blic is not very demanding on grahpic cards, i can run adaptive anti aliasing quality setting very well with an average fps of between 50-75fps.

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