Australian ICC Tournament

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I'd be very tempted to do it, so maybe you should leave me outta this tormament. I'm also garenteed to have my connection freeze up half way through a game I'm losing as well, nd though it would seem odd it wouldnt be intenional, but would look like it, so due to these reasons i might sit this one out, until I get bloody broadband (stupid goverments, give me the broadband now!!!).
ok if we were to play with just 4 teams would we have a final at the end?

cause then i can get the tournament started
or we could play a 16 county tournament world cup style with 4 teams each one in each group

with or without team adjustments
we have 6! i think we should start now!?!?!
We have finalised a list of 6 players to compete in this tournament they are as follows


Out of all the games during the round one player will be specified to report back on it, hopefully it will be even amongst the participants. I don?t want you to take up too much room though on the thread.

We will have a draft to see which county each person will be playing with, it will be randomized so no advantage. Then each participant has two off-seasons to play the game, cheating is not encouraged although if it occurs there is nothing we can do to stop it.

If you cant play please let me know ASAP, we could organize a night for us all to play but that would have to be worked out between the players.

I will commence the draft just as soon as I get home from indoor cricket

The season will be in a league format with each team playing each other once with a 4 team finals system 1v4 2v3

EDIT: i need all 6 people to please send me their 6 preferred countys in order as soon as possible

also i was thinking of running all presentation through me so it will be consistant, so email me the results my link is in the little thing on the left
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Awesome. Hampshire/Surrey/Sussex/Lancshire/Essex/Kent would be my preferred countys.

This should be good :)

Looking foward to this starting:)
Mine is Hampshire/Durham/Essex/Sussex/Yorkshire/Lancashire
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