Australian ICC Tournament

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Learn to read Hooper and I do not care even a little about my reputation. If I did I would not be bagging you or saying what I say in my signature.
Hooper all you are doing is making a complete fool of yourself... and proving that your just imature person who needs to relieve the stress in his life by going mental at people who arent near him

if you dont want to be in this tournament go away and never post in this thread again... ITS JUST THAT SIMPLE!

Rightio this is the final time I'm poting in this crap thread.

Stress? Im not stressed? Your the one who is going off his chops at someone because they called their tournament crap - what a sook.

I reckon you think your the king or something around here, but in my eyes your some retail loser. Go pack some shelves or something.

See ya guys. Ima neva post in this "Tournament" thread again. Good luck everyone in the tournament.

Oh and irelandboy, stop sucking up Griffo's ass.
Hooper if you never wanted to be in here why post? you obviously have some personal issue with something i did or said to you because you immediately changed your tune when i was getting frustated because you werent following the rules of the competition
its a bet we had when our two teams played each other... lol loser has that in their sig, he has to keep it on there till the end of september

back on topic after hoopers outburst...

any requests i would like to hear them from the people in this tournament. im still waiting for 2 peoples lists of teams
thats for you to decide not me, people can do what they feel is best for the development of their team
What do you mean Rules???

and it will be league format so each team plays each other once then have the finals 1v4 2v3
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