BATracer: PlanetCricket F1 2010 Season 5

thanks a lot Pavan, while competing with you I was never sure till the end if I will win the season or not. This one was really neck to neck.
Well done and congrats Jack , Red Bull the constructor champs. Great work and dont be sad that you did not came 1st in a race , I remember Pavan winning the champ without being 1st in most of races.
The annoying thing is that it's not just this season, it's every season. I must have 20+ 2nd places now :p

At least I'll finish ahead of old team mate Abhas ;)
Congrats Red Bull and Atul, Great season for you. Trev, another awesome season for you :p

Pavan, hard luck.. was very close, but you had either first positions, of non-podium finishes..
I just could not get the wins, and had a horrible start to the season. messed up a few races with wrong tyres/pit-stops, and that made matters worse.

Ended up with 7 poles in the season, so that's a good thing I suppose, but most of them were towards the end, when many were not even doing their runs. Also, i changed my strategy mid-season, so that probably helped.
ok so season is over, well done Mc Laren for giving such a tight competition.
One humble request guys please take some break before starting another season.

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