Best Bowler Ever.


Respected Legend
Nov 28, 2004
Hong Kong
Online Cricket Games Owned
Now, the question of 'Who was the Best Batsman ever?' is easily answered. Don Bradman. Sachin Tendulkar is second after some distance, with several competitors for third place right behind him (Ricky Ponting, Viv Richards, Brian Lara, Rahul Dravid, etc.)

But the question of 'Who was the Best Bowler ever?' isn't as easily answered. My guess is because not only because bowling is a varied skill (It's not easy comparing a fast bowler to a spinner, or a pre-war bowler to a post-war bowler), but because no bowler has dominated the game of cricket heads and shoulders over everyone else. Ofcourse, there are bowlers who have dominated at different times over history (off the top of my head I get Sydney Barnes, George Lohmann, Bill O'Reilly, Malcom Marshall, Dennis Lillee, Wasim Akram, Shane Warne, Muralitharan...).

It could also be down to the fact that bowlers are better when hunting together in pairs and not solo - case and point being teamings such as The West Indian Pace attack, the Spin Quartet, the two Ws with Imran for support, Lillee and Thompson, Warne and McGrath, etc. Murali is probably the lone exception to this case (Unless you count Murali and Vaas).

So if it came down to it, if you had to boil it all down and pick one, and only one bowler who has ever played the game of cricket, to label as the Best Bowler of All Time...who would it be?
Malcolm Marshall with ease. At least for me.
Had good speed, could swing the ball both ways at great pace, used his cutters really well which helped him in the subcontinent, a surprisingly fast and accurate bouncer and most of all he had a great mind for bowling. He was a smart bowler who could set up the batsman really well.
Gun to my head I pick Glenn McGrath. Of course he had the advantage of bowling with Warne, but I propose he would still have been an excellent bowler regardless. Stats tell us: he averaged 21.38 in 104 Tests with Warne playing, and 23.34 in 20 Tests without him. But the thing I loved about McGrath was how he targetted the other teams best player and 90% of the time owned him. Atherton was a famous bunny. He also got Lara quite a few times, although once Brian got going even McGrath found it hard to stop him. Tendulkar's average against Australia falls dramatically when McGrath was present in the opposition (36.77 when McGrath played v 67.29 when McGrath hasn't been there).

I'd also have no problem mentioning Richard Hadlee - who did amazing things all by himself for NZ or Malcolm Marshall as Dare says. They would be my all-time XI pace trio.
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I would go for Dennis Lillee. I obviously didn't have the pleasure of watching him live, but I've watched and read a lot of him over the years and his story is truly inspiring. He is so highly regarded by virtually everyone. His ability to overcome adversity and his mastery of the art of bowling make him the best bowler ever for me.
I`d say Wasim is the best that I have seen. Have`nt had the privilege to watch the West Indian greats bowl (apart from Walsh and Ambrose). McGrath was consistently good but Wasim was magical when on song whereas Glen had a robotic feel to his bowling (to his credit).

From whatever cricket I`ve seen, starting from the mid 90s, I`d rate Wasim, Waqar, Ambrose, Walsh,McGrath, Donald as the best seamers that I`ve seen and the spin trio of Warne-Murali-Kumble as the best spinners I`ve seen.

Picking an all-time best bowler would`nt be as straight forward because when you pick the best batsman of all time, Bradman`s 99.94 towers above anything else so it is very straight forward. Can`t pick one bowler that easily.

We`d have to pick one from every decade I guess.
4 people, 4 different picks.

And I would have gone for Sydney Barnes, simply for how high he was rated by his peers. The stories about him bowling deliveries that swung into legstump and cut away to hit off, and being able to seam, swing or cut the ball in any conditions with the ball at any age sound remarkable.

ZoraxDoom added 0 Minutes and 50 Seconds later...

We`d have to pick one from every decade I guess.
But the challenge here is to narrow it down to just 1 bowler. Best of All Time.
Trent Copeland, came out of a club team and now is pwning Sheffield Shield in his 1st season. :hpraise
Malcolm Marshall, could bowl in all conditions and be just as effective.

2nd pick is Wasim Akram, control of both types of conventional swing, reverse, pace, short run up, whippy action......... and on and on

The around the wicket delivery to Lamb in the WC final sums him up. I don't know anyone today who is capable of bowling that type of delivery.
Richard Hadlee for mine. The first man to 400 wickets. 9 10 wicket hauls, 36 5 wicket hauls. Didn't really have a partner in crime either, all the more difficult destroying teams by yourself.
I have not seen Marshall or dennis bowl but I have heard great thing about them. I have watched bowlers from 1995 onwards and I rate Wasim as the best I have seen. While his delivery to Allan Lamb was exceptional, this below is the delivery (infact the whole over) to the best defensive batsman of current era, that makes him the absolute king of swing
YouTube - Wasim Akram vs Rahul Dravid Ball of Century CRICKET
The around the wicket delivery to Lamb in the WC final sums him up. I don't know anyone today who is capable of bowling that type of delivery.

I bowled one in our cricket tournament last Sunday - best ball I've ever bowled! But there was a pretty strong breeze helping me swing it like that..:p

To me Akram's the most TALENTED, but he wasn't the best ovreall IMHO. Just went missing too often in Tests and then would suddenly produce something awesome which would catch your breath.
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^So when can we expect to see you in the Aussie Side ;). Australia will sure like to have a bowler like yourself especially on a windy day.
Ofc Zaheer Khan ;).

In all seriousness, the best bowler I have personally seen is no doubt Wasim Akram. Truly magical. He was every batsman's nightmare, to see that lime green Pakistani pit patter towards you under lights, the white ball curled up in his fingers like a snake about to strike... and when he released it, the ball did things that it had never done before. Reverse, swing, cut, pace, bounce...he had it all. Easily makes it into my world XI.

From what I have heard, Malcolm Marshall was the original McGrath. Fast, accurate, deadly. Could bowl on any pitch, any track, in any conditions.

When it comes to the spinners it gets harder. There are the obvious 3 that come to mind - Warne, Murali, and Anil Kumble. All have crazy amounts of wickets, but they are all so different. Warne was a magical leggie, perfect in technique and had the attitude of an out and out quick. Murali has the most scalps, was mysterious, had everything in his arsenal and could turn the ball on glass. Kumble was a fighter, didn't turn the ball but had a heart of steel. He got his wickets with variations in pace, length, bounce, and maybe just a little bit of turn ;). But then there are the other guys - Chandrasekhar, Prasanna, Qadir, Laker, etc...

It is hard to choose the best bowler ever. But if I had a 'gun to my head' like Sifter said, I would go with Akram.
Well I would go with Hadlee and Marshall, wouldnt go with Wasim as he was mostly played with ease in aussie conditions and rarely dominated us here or even in Pakistan, but he never bowled badly though it has to be said, and his record looks decent on paper against Australia but our top order blunted him quite well in 95 and 99 where we beat Pakistan easily with big scores. In 1989/90 he was awesome at the MCG, but didnt have any answer to Dean Jones at Adelaide, twin tons knocked the stuffing out of Wasim then. He saved his best for other countries it seems, but from memory doesnt he average in the 30's against England??? Thats not good for a supposed best of all time, assuming i'm right about that 30 average......cricinfo here i come!

Hadlee and Marshall were almost unplayable in any conditions, guys like Lillee dont even compare, though I am a big Lillee fan.
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