best graphics card?

hey Gas is the graphics card that you have the best going around?
etho11 said:
hey Gas is the graphics card that you have the best going around?

Almost, it was untill the Nvidia Gefore 8800GTX came out. Still i have not found one game where i can not run it at the highest settings, 14x super sampled anti aliasing etc. Mind you i do have two of them in crossfire mode, if i just had one x1950xtx it may be different.
Kshitiz_Indian said:
I think you have asked it many times and havent we answered it loads of times ? :rolleyes:

At least its boosting my post count. :D
Hey do u think the game will work on an ATI Radeon X850XT crossfire master?
Hey lazy r u running BLIC 07 in high setting with it XFX 7600GS extreme edition :)
etho11 said:
will you upgrade to the Nvidia Gefore 8800GTX

No, im waiting for Ati's next gen card.

Lazy_Chesnut said:
Not to mention one's ego

Next question please :p

Vikram_1991 said:
Hey do u think the game will work on an ATI Radeon X850XT crossfire master

Yes, it should do. We may have to wait for ati's next driver release to see 100% crossfire compatibility in afr (alternate frame rendering). Currently, ati uses a basic form of afr in all new games which dont fully support crossfire yet.

Hey lazy r u running BLIC 07 in high setting with it XFX 7600GS extreme edition

I have heard rumours that he wants to upgrade to an Ati product, could just be speculation though. :onpc
ATi Raedon X1950 is too much expensive here in India :(
wht happened to u guys

if u have sli mobo then u can also use dual cards of the same catogery
i will gonna purchase another 6600 sli ready card so it will cost me cheaper yet power ful results...

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