Bidding 5; New York Bears

You know what, i doubt Hitter will beat that, just 1 hour and 40 minutes to go.
Do you guys even have the money to back up your bid? Didn't hitterman lose most of his money recently?
Surely 140k will win this! 1hr and 25mins
Are we sure we have the money to equally share a bid like that? :p
Well, I need to talk to Abhas, WC's gone away somehow, I don't know how. But I am sure Abhas and you can back us up for the while. We can settle things later. I know what you and abhas have in accounts, so I am keeping something in mind.

With that being said, I guess this would be the final bid,
Name: pal, Abhas, WORLD CHAMPIONS, Kshitiz
Bid: 150k
Name:Hitterman,vaibhav_mehta and omkarjere

Yawning..Give it guys.
45 minutes of bidding left, can Kshitiz and his partners improve the offer?

Vaiby, you do know that I ask for the funds within 24hrs of the bidding closure? If you cannot give them to me in this time, the next best offer will be used!
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I will give you within 10 seconds Sir..
Just tell me that I have
There is 40 minutes left, you do know you're bidding against Pal and Abhas here, they're fairly rich, and i'm sure can table something more :p Kshitiz is playing it cool, waiting to see what happens.
OoO 30 minutes to go, will another investor come in?

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