Bidding 5; New York Bears

159k. I'm willing to go up to 300k. That would amount to about a week's worth of interest. But, that's the final limit for me.
Just for the record it looks like WC loss of cash on that bet is going to stand

That's all right. Abhas and I can make up the bid, though I'm not sure how much he's willing to contribute from his 200k.

Pal, just so you know, this is a record bid, and i've agreed with Kshitiz, that if you want to move the team to India, you may.
This bidding is even boring that BT, too much time

That's true. I'm not sure if this is worth it. I'm putting up most of my cash on a bet in the new few minutes, so I'm not sure if I can cover my bid here. You can have it, if you want, vaibhav.
If you are out then I'll have it but only in 120-130k??
Is it fine with everyone.
I'll take it for 120k..

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