No Requests blake's graphics [quick manip + blake]

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Thanks for the comments Mad.. you seem to be one of the few taking the time to check out my thread regularly. I was pretty pleased with how the Riquelme sig turned out, would like a little bit more feedback though. Generally, it looked decent to me though. :)
Great sig just work on the text this style is great just great use of the brushes or textures.
Thanks for the feedback, Meghraj... thought I would keep text simple. Wasn't really sure where to put it.

Also didn't use any brushes or textures. Nice try, though. ;)
Pretty simple sig. Only took me about 20 minutes. Only 22 layers, which is relatively small for me now.

Cheers Mad for the constant feedback... it's nice to have someone comment on my graphics, even if nobody requests anything.
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