BLIC 07 screenshot thread

You're welcome mate! Here are a couple of pics of my stats, from my 1st innings in my 2nd test match against England -



I've done well on my return to the team lol. :)
Thanks a lot John Adams for the screenies...Mashrafe's face is decent, but really doesn't resemble hm, Rafique's is distinguishable. And just out of curiosity, but why do you always play with Australia??
cnbd_novice said:
Thanks a lot John Adams for the screenies...Mashrafe's face is decent, but really doesn't resemble hm, Rafique's is distinguishable. And just out of curiosity, but why do you always play with Australia??

You're welcome, and I play as Australia coz I am Australian lol. And now I'm in the team, there's no stopping me! :laugh
John Adams when you created Mars Maximus did you have to choose a players face like RPIC2005 or this time do you get to choose his nose and other parts of his face.
ronnarin said:
John Adams when you created Mars Maximus did you have to choose a players face like RPIC2005 or this time do you get to choose his nose and other parts of his face.

Hi, I just chose a face that was present in the playe editor face files, that looked liked my face lol :)
John Adams said:
You're welcome, and I play as Australia coz I am Australian lol. And now I'm in the team, there's no stopping me!
LOL. But what I meant was-but why do you always play with Australia?? Imean, don't you ever play with any other teams beside Australia??
And congrats for your outstanding performance in the national team.
cnbd_novice said:
LOL. But what I meant was-but why do you always play with Australia?? Imean, don't you ever play with any other teams beside Australia??
And congrats for your outstanding performance in the national team.

Yea coz that way I play with passion when I play for my home country. That way I hate to lose, and love to win. And thanks, yea I got out for 127 runs though lol. :)
You are quite passionate....but Australia being the greatest team in the game(as well as in the physical world), doesn't it become too simple for you?? Also kudos for your outstanding score of 127 for your national team. How many balls did it took you to score that many runs anyway?? And if possible may I request some South Africa screenshots?? Thanks in advance.
Can someone who has the game please take a screenshot of when you create a player in the game, because I want to know how detailed the create a player is in this years version.

It would be great.:hpraise
You are quite passionate....but Australia being the greatest team in the game(as well as in the physical world), doesn't it become too simple for you?? Also kudos for your outstanding score of 127 for your national team. How many balls did it took you to score that many runs anyway?? And if possible may I request some South Africa screenshots?? Thanks in advance.

Well that's where lazy's great player editor is invaluable. With it other countries can be just as good or better. My 127 took 80 odd balls lol, mainly coz the AI aint that great in field placements. Neither than I it seems, coz England are currently 4 for 287 at the moment. So my 500 odd runs don't seem as much now as they did when my innings ended. So it aint as easy as it used to be, but that's great! No more easy boring matches.

Here are your SA pics-







And ronnarin, you mean how to make a created player with the player editor? I overwrote rather than created actually lol :)
Well Manee , my GFX card is Geforce FX 5200 (128 MB) . i m sad that i hve to play this awesome game on low settings :crying .

Here is some new Features from BLIC 07 .

When u get out with a good socre on ur bag u can see this screenshots in game , like u can see Freedie Flintoff is raisng his hands for that wonderful knock before leaving the ground .

wth.... 1.3 overs.. 300 tumthing wf.. 1 ball 20 sixes or wot???
Thanks John, those are some of the best screenies ever. You can easily identify Shaun Pollock, Makhaya Ntini, and Graeme Smith. Thanks once again.

To dxboy, perhaps this might answer your question:
It was an early version of BLIC 2007 Demo Expander, all it did was stop adding 1 to the overs count after end of every over.
Nice screenshots John Adams and do you think the Xbox360 version will look better than the graphics of the computer version with your graphics card?

I hope so because that would look great!

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