BLIC 07 screenshot thread

i know this sounds crazy, but someone should create a kit where by the teams are wearing pyjamas. whouldnt that be crazy?
I thought I already posted some Pakistani screenies?

Anyway, my Australia - England series is now tied 1-1 at the moment. Strange how England collapsed at the end of thier first innings, and a complete collapse in thier second innings, after being forced to follow on. Here are some end of match shots -





Now onto game three I go! ;)
John Adams if possible in your third game can you post a few screenshots of Kevin Pieterson and Ian Bell.

Please it would be great. :hpraise
Could someone please post a screenshot of Shane Bond?
sehwag single-handedly destroys WI

So unlike real life atm.
Went crazy with sehwag in a 10 over, champions trophy final on test setting. Too bad about the collapse tho;)


  • sehwag.JPG
    40.9 KB · Views: 81
The screens that John Adams are posting look so nice,what type of graphics card do you have mate?
More top quality Screens from Johnno...its basically you running this forum lol
Any screenshots John Adams for us to enjoy.
Ihope you can get some of Kevin Pieterson and Ian Bell
More top quality Screens from Johnno...its basically you running this forum lol

I doubt that! haha ;)

Any screenshots John Adams for us to enjoy.
Ihope you can get some of Kevin Pieterson and Ian Bell

Sure, here you go.

Paul Collingwood -


Kevin Pieterson -


That was the first time I've played the game simply for screenshots, and I played as England and my bowlers were murdered. Though two runouts occured. Of course I didn't save the game lol

Hey John why don't you do a story on Mars Maximus??

A story? I just started my international career, so there's nothing to tell! :laugh

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