BLIC Reviews

BLIC seems to be more arcadey games to me. In which you slog easily and hit six easily. I don't think this game would be better than cricket 2005.
Ankit kukreti said:
There would be serious problem if we can take wickets easily but, it is other way round. I would prefer ball moving little too much rather than too less.

Ankit -- I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here. Can you please elaborate ? Are you saying it is ok for it to swing more ?
fanirama said:
Ankit -- I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here. Can you please elaborate ? Are you saying it is ok for it to swing more ?

What I'm trying to say is that, from the demo of what I have played the ball seems to swing more. We can take wickets, but the exaggeration swing is not really effecting the game.

From the review of PC gamer taking wickets is very difficult in village level. This obviously means that the bowling is not great or the pitch is not conducive for bowling, it may also be that batsmen are playing cautiously.

People are saying that batting in BLIC is easy at the same time there is too much swing for bowlers( which we are not sure under what condition). Too much swing is unrealistic but the balance of the game is not disturbed by it.
why the hell are people even thinking of talking about cricket2005 ?? that game was the worst game ive ever played in my life!! Plz do not mention that Junk product Ea created!

The demo of BLIC was even 100 times better than EAs full game! So theres no denying which game is better!

and why the hell were all the reviews complaining about the graphics? the demo of blic has more real faces init then Eas cricket2005! Btw shiny costumes and muscles do not result in good graphics!!

Most the reviews didnt know wat they were talking about, the only thing accurate was the batting being too easy! but that is not the case on multiplayer because the human player swings the ball making it hard to play whereas the CPU doesnt swing much in demo anyway!
Anyway the bowling was perfect, and id prefer the batting to be easier than it rather being harder, and before u lot start moaning that is not because i dont like challenges! Its because wen u play a game u want to relax and enjoy and not get bloody frustrated and bored ****e!
Nads said:
why the hell are people even thinking of talking about cricket2005 ?? that game was the worst game ive ever played in my life!! Plz do not mention that Junk product Ea created!

The demo of BLIC was even 100 times better than EAs full game! So theres no denying which game is better!

and why the hell were all the reviews complaining about the graphics? the demo of blic has more real faces init then Eas cricket2005! Btw shiny costumes and muscles do not result in good graphics!!

Most the reviews didnt know wat they were talking about, the only thing accurate was the batting being too easy! but that is not the case on multiplayer because the human player swings the ball making it hard to play whereas the CPU doesnt swing much in demo anyway!
Anyway the bowling was perfect, and id prefer the batting to be easier than it rather being harder, and before u lot start moaning that is not because i dont like challenges! Its because wen u play a game u want to relax and enjoy and not get bloody frustrated and bored ****e!
Absolutely correct
Its really saddening how people say that EA Cricket's batting is frustrating when they dont know how to play. Ofcourse, those guys will only have been trying to hit the ball out of the park. You cannot hit every ball out of the ground in EA Cricket 2005. Its almost impossible. Easy and Medium levels are easy to contend with but Hard difficulty is a little bit difficult.

the demo of blic has more real faces init then Eas cricket2005!

When you see the Aussie, English, Proteas and Kiwis faces you may want to reconsider your statement. Some of them look close to perfect. But yeah BLIC has good faces aswell.
When you see the Aussie, English, Proteas and Kiwis faces you may want to reconsider your statement. Some of them look close to perfect. But yeah BLIC has good faces aswell.

Just wait for the full game and then decide..Those stupid face images during the team selction menu are not the faces in the game ;)
UsmanCHADDA said:
Its really saddening how people say that EA Cricket's batting is frustrating when they dont know how to play. Ofcourse, those guys will only have been trying to hit the ball out of the park. You cannot hit every ball out of the ground in EA Cricket 2005. Its almost impossible. Easy and Medium levels are easy to contend with but Hard difficulty is a little bit difficult.

When you see the Aussie, English, Proteas and Kiwis faces you may want to reconsider your statement. Some of them look close to perfect. But yeah BLIC has good faces aswell.

why the hell are u talking about hitting the ball out of the park? that is not batting!
batting is making singles, hitting in gaps, hitting 4 along the grounds!

these things are not in this game which is why the game is unrealistic and frustrating!

I hope that makes it clear!
jk16_4 said:
6/10 is really dissappointing.All i can say is that


anyways, we'll wait till the release and find it out.
i suggest codies to start producing a patch immeditately.

Well said man...well said.

It like breaking up in partnerships.Once your alliance breaks you never reach to the same heights.

Nads said:
why the hell are u talking about hitting the ball out of the park? that is not batting!
batting is making singles, hitting in gaps, hitting 4 along the grounds!

these things are not in this game which is why the game is unrealistic and frustrating!

I hope that makes it clear!

If these things were not in the simply would'nt have been called cricket.
When you say that the game is unrealistic and frustrating it means that you simply cannot bat in a cricket game.
I agree with Usmaan Chaddha
UsmanCHADDA said:
Its really saddening how people say that EA Cricket's batting is frustrating when they dont know how to play. Ofcourse, those guys will only have been trying to hit the ball out of the park. You cannot hit every ball out of the ground in EA Cricket 2005. Its almost impossible. Easy and Medium levels are easy to contend with but Hard difficulty is a little bit difficult.

When you see the Aussie, English, Proteas and Kiwis faces you may want to reconsider your statement. Some of them look close to perfect. But yeah BLIC has good faces aswell.

Hitting sixers is not important, but playing normal shots and getting runs is more important. If that's difficult, then I am afraid that the game will be frustrating.

Hitting sixers is used as a desperation shot in limited overs or when the batsmen really wants to get on with it, mostly it will be the bowler targeted by the batsmen.
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Having read the PC Gamer review, it looks as though the reviewer actually knows something about cricket, so the comment about the AI field placing on the first morning of a test is somewhat worrying.

Still, like C2005 (and unlike many a thread on these forums), I'll actually play the full game for a few days and give it a fair chance, instead of rubbishing it before it's even released.
Pc gamer review was not comprehensive, but was the test match played in the village level, AI fielding got too defensive every early in the test match.
i still haven't played BLIC demo but i did buy Cricket 2005 and it was rubbish. As i have said before my main gripe isnt due to the batting being difficult it is to do with the fact that the minute the ball is past a fielder it is 4 runs. in limited overs cricket it is virtually impossible to work the ball in to gaps and you find yourself either playing it down to fine leg, or hoping you can squeeze it between cover and backward point.

in the longer version you just have to be patient and wait for the inevitable wide half volley and hit it through the covers.

one word that has been used to review BLIC is 'entertaining' in terms of multiplayer, if thats the case then that will suit me fine! EA are useless when it comes to tradiotionally British sports, they nail games like Tiger and Madden but FIFA and Cricket are just lazy attempts to make easy money because they know they can buy all the licenses and therefore make their games more appealing this way.
Well said. I played a full version on the xbox the other day at the oval. The two over a side mutliplayer was so much fun.

If you play the game a bit more, u start to notice annoying flaws but much less than the slow sluggish gameplay of EA Cricket 2005. Im hoping that BLIC will be more challenging at the higher difficulties cos the AI on the demo is a bit dodgy.

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