Brad Haddin - Cheat?

Ponting worded it wrongly, but the gist of the text was that Vettori was sorry if he offended him, and that they could agree to disagree.

Cricinfo - Vettori clears up subtext of his text

Daniel Vettori said:
"I sent a text to Brad saying whilst we agree to disagree on the situation, there was no inference of anything malicious on my part," Vettori said. "I said there was no inference of that [cheating] from the team or myself.

Issue over.
Was there anything to begin with? Except that Ponting started it?
I think Haddin got his revenge today. He wouldve enjoyed smashing Vettori around the park:D
I think Haddin got his revenge today. He wouldve enjoyed smashing Vettori around the park:D

Considering he's the one in the wrong I don't get the revenge thing?

He was pretty lucky. No Karma for him sadly. It'll come in time i'm sure.
Haddin = prick.

Enough said. You could even see from the dismissal that he looked down for a split second, he knew that he touched the bails, and then went up in celebration.
Whether he cheated or not is not the point in my opinion. He did make a mistake and everyone aussies or not agrees on that. He should be man enough to admit that ball did not touch the bails. The fact that he does not have balls to admit his fault is really what annoys me and other fans. Lets just hope he has some decency in him and he will admit his mistake in his autobiography thirty years from now. Until then he is a lier if not a cheat.
In the words of a great Victorian following Haddin's performances in the last few ODI's and Twenty20...

He stuck it right up 'em!!!
But if you have your gloves in front of the stumps, and pull them back behind within a second how can you be sure when the impact was?
How one claim that he saw the ball hit the stumps, and get away with it, when the evidence is so clear is beyond me.
Haddin's not a cheat. The ball would have hit the stumps anyway. In the end NZ won the game so it's all a bit irrelevant.
Haddin's not a cheat. The ball would have hit the stumps anyway. In the end NZ won the game so it's all a bit irrelevant.

If you actually see a slow motion video on youtube, then you can clearly see that the ball would have never hit the stumps or the bails.

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