Bring Back Duff

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Perhaps if he had brought it up with admins and then waited a few weeks/months to see if anything had changed then the situation would have been different!

Please name a forum that doesn't elect it's admins and moderators? There is no rule that says all forums must be a full democracy and have 100% freedom of speech.
Here's one of my favorite Sidhuisms:
Navjot Singh Sidhu said:
If ifs and ands were pots and pans, there would be no tinkers.
In my humble opinion, I don't think anything would have come of it. In my personal experience where I think that moderators have been a little too short-sighted or short-sticked and get in touch with the administration, I am first quoted the rules (completely ignoring the fact that the complaint wasn't against the rules but implementation of them) and if I do have an argument, I am either threatened further, or cease to receive replies. Perhaps Duff, being a mod and all, would have elicited a different response.
Perhaps if he had brought it up with admins and then waited a few weeks/months to see if anything had changed then the situation would have been different!
And who's to say things would have changed, I bet if I said something now, things wouldn't changed. Also, now Duff has told you, will things change?
A moderator should know better than to disscuss forum boiling publicly without posting it in the admin section!
So you admins are so special that you think you should be the only ones to hear someones views.
That underlines the strictness and authority that you think you should enforce.

I think when its a opinion on the running of the forum, as admins are the only ones who can actually make the changes I think that makes sence.
Please name a forum that does elect it's admins and moderators? There is no rule that says all forums must be a full democracy and have 100% freedom of speech.

I wasn't calling for elections as I have faith in the adins' abilities to elect staff. I was just pointing out the ironic similarities between the 'government' of PC and that of a dictatorship.
And who's to say things would have changed, I bet if I said something now, things wouldn't changed. Also, now Duff has told you, will things change?

If you did bring an issue to the attention of the admins I'm sure we would discuss it with a view to getting something done about it.
But hte bottome line is this:

Admins get to choose who should be mod's as they pay to run the forum and if they think he shouldn't be mod then i think we should stay beside them 100%
Edit: Chris Gayle
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don you have nothing important to say then go away, thats immaturity for you and a post which adds nothing to the thread so it is SPAM so you should delete his post lord knows ive been done for alot less
So according to you, people are:
- Not allowed a different opinion to their "superiors"
- Not allowed to change their mind (In Griffo's case)
- Not allowed to talk to the public
- Not allowed to criticise in public

I don't recall saying any of those things.

Ok but admins are still normal people, no more or less than ourselves.
You should not try to act like you are a god or try and undermine others.

When has someone been undermined? Isnt Duff's original post undermining the admins and other moderators? Who like duff do their work unpaid and to the best of their ability.
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