Caption this

"Monty was a shoe in for first place at the mime championships. And his winning move..... Man with heavy box"
World's smallest man steps on Monty's toe
Monty Panesar drowns into agony as he gets to know that tickets for michael jackson's performances in London are finished.

England were suprised to find that the Madam Tussard's version of Monty was actually a better fielder.

barmyarmy added 3 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...


Bowden: I've got this new phone. Look, it can show me the Aus/SA test series.
Bucknor: That's your wallet, Billy...

barmyarmy added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...


Suspicions abounded that someone might be over-compensating.

barmyarmy added 1 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...


I told you I had strong wrists.

barmyarmy added 2 Minutes and 19 Seconds later...


We've checked the rule book and our top order will be using these during the Ashes.

Bowden, while practising gymnastics in the cricket field: Help me, I can't keep my balance

King Cricket added 3 Minutes and 13 Seconds later...


MSD: Hey, you are taking a picture, here am I!! Don't forget me

Oram mistakes crease for a line and stumps for a rolled up tenner
King Cricket, from where did you find such high resolution pics?

Colly takes the phrase 'Intense Workout' a bit too literally.


I'm bloody constipated!!!!
Last edited:
Collingwood regrets joking with customs officials that he "hadn't packed the bag himself"

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