Control of Length

Just in case people weren't quite sure what I was talking about, here's an example of just bowling on a length, not even perfect timing, on hard:

Totally agreed.....this is another area which was working well in the previous version....and has now regressed. Not sure why and how :facepalm
Totally agreed.....this is another area which was working well in the previous version....and has now regressed. Not sure why and how :facepalm

To be honest what I think happened was that they just didn't apply the same error margins they applied to other elements of bowling to it. I'm sure they'll fix it, and it seems that most players (including yourself) didn't even notice it. I can understand why they would want to make it so length was controlled by more than just timing. Maybe adding more error overall, and extra for poorly timed releases would work as a fix. It's annoying, but not a gamebreaker though.
I liked the DBC 14 system where you could control and vary the length, along with the line, using Right Stick. If you released the ball early you bowled a fuller length and if you released the ball late you bowled a shorter length. And line & length could be varied for both pacers and spinners.
I liked the DBC 14 system where you could control and vary the length, along with the line, using Right Stick. If you released the ball early you bowled a fuller length and if you released the ball late you bowled a shorter length. And line & length could be varied for both pacers and spinners.

Personally I preferred this as well, but I can see what they were trying to do. One problem with bowling that a lot of people had was that they couldn't quite figure out what they were doing with it. Personally I'd prefer to see the adjustments of length return to release timing, but that's ultimately a game design question, not a QA one. Having the player able to hit the line that exactly though is a QA one, but again, they can sort it by other means.

We'll see what BigAnt cook up.
Why did they replace the ball shaped to dotted like shape in DBC 17..Even in this regard DBC 14's was way better..Reference pic..


That DBC 17's looks like colorful holes created with punching machine..
Why did they replace the ball shaped to dotted like shape in DBC 17..Even in this regard DBC 14's was way better..Reference pic..


That DBC 17's looks like colorful holes created with punching machine..

To be honest, stylistically I like the new way they do it. Each to their own though.

Adding colours for each length though would be nice though.
I liked the DBC 14 system where you could control and vary the length, along with the line, using Right Stick. If you released the ball early you bowled a fuller length and if you released the ball late you bowled a shorter length. And line & length could be varied for both pacers and spinners.

Isn't it true for DBC 17 as well? I am sure I have seen this being mentioned in the tutorials. I am yet to try but if it doesn't work, this is perhaps another bug?
Isn't it true for DBC 17 as well? I am sure I have seen this being mentioned in the tutorials. I am yet to try but if it doesn't work, this is perhaps another bug?

See the example at the top of the page. It's only a few overs, but I was purposefully mistiming a number of those. If it's meant to have an impact, it's not having a noticeable one.
Yeah, this is an odd one. It appears to have something to do with how they've done flight, but yeah, it does appear that almost all balls are funneled into quite a narrow corridor for spinners.

There is something to note about spinners, you have to get the stick movement at about 45 degrees to push it all the way to the edge of that corridor, going 90 degrees either side (straight left or right) has a weird effect where it almost randomises the line. But to get diagonally left or right seems to push it that bit further.
Personally I preferred this as well, but I can see what they were trying to do. One problem with bowling that a lot of people had was that they couldn't quite figure out what they were doing with it. Personally I'd prefer to see the adjustments of length return to release timing, but that's ultimately a game design question, not a QA one. Having the player able to hit the line that exactly though is a QA one, but again, they can sort it by other means.

We'll see what BigAnt cook up.

Maybe they changed it to allow players previously struggling with seam bowling a better starting point ( I know this was true of me in 14). Maybe the error margin should increase as you increase the difficulty level for bowling. Does altering the bowling difficulty alter your results?
Maybe they changed it to allow players previously struggling with seam bowling a better starting point ( I know this was true of me in 14). Maybe the error margin should increase as you increase the difficulty level for bowling. Does altering the bowling difficulty alter your results?

The difficulty didn't have any clear impact when I was testing it.

Let's be honest here though, McGrath couldn't be that consistent with length, being able to do that shouldn't be possible in game.

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