Created Players, Logos, Uniforms and Stadiums

I definately linked them
Hmmmm. Not showing up as such on my PC. Not sure why. I'm creating the Zimbabwe domestic teams from a blank academy, so all I've done other than rename players myself is download yours/Llewelyn's team.
the sinhalese ground :)
Yeah mate I've tried to, I got the picture here but it's on my phone from the console (not pc) so I can't manage to upload it. Anyone know how to get an image from phone on to here? I've tried pressing the little image button up the top here when writing a post but it only lets me put in an image url which I can't for this
I guess I'll just keep 4 then and delete rest of them. It's gonna be a pain to reassign them all with their correct bats manually. I dearly hope @BigAntStudios will get a proper fix to these issues cause at the moment I'm not interested in playing the game like this.

I totally agree with you. I won't be playing this game until it is fixed because i have had to delete my xbox one data twice only to start again due to this logos full issue.

As i prefer to download teams individually instead of get best, to be honest i think after the next patch (which doesn't seem to be arriving anytime soon) we will have to delete data and download everything again so there is no point downloading all the teams right now as logos are being duplicated like crazy.

It is very frustrating to be honest and i hope the patch arrives soon as i really do like this game alot for what it is, barring this and some other issues.
Yeah mate I've tried to, I got the picture here but it's on my phone from the console (not pc) so I can't manage to upload it. Anyone know how to get an image from phone on to here? I've tried pressing the little image button up the top here when writing a post but it only lets me put in an image url which I can't for this
Dw about it if it's too hard.
What's the best advice about limiting logos when downloading everything from scratch? Had my logo data corrupted so redownloading everything
Northern Knights and Leinster Lightning kits are on the servers under TekkogsSteve if @CiaranH1303 wants to add his players. Thanks to @Ishmam Ahmed for the Northern Knights logo

I guess I'll just keep 4 then and delete rest of them. It's gonna be a pain to reassign them all with their correct bats manually. I dearly hope @BigAntStudios will get a proper fix to these issues cause at the moment I'm not interested in playing the game like this.

Please let us know if you could assign all the bats back to the players with only the 4 slots used for the Bat Logo .

I personally dont think you are going to come right that way.
I like the other logo did for you. The KN's one is so baadddd haha. I'm still getting the hang of illustrator and that's a logo I had to outright draw by hand
the nww kits are gonna be out soon. Just need to sort their sponsors out

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