Cricket 19 General Discussion

Okay peeps lets all calm down: It would be helpful if people reflect a tiny bit before posting: does my post actually say what I mean to say and is it flaming anything? People complain if there is too much moderation and complain if there isn't enough: self moderation is a good way of enabling us to have a little tiny corner of the internet that doesn't look like Gollum's underpants washing basket.
And I point the learned gentlemen to the above......
i don't know if this is a bug or design, but has anyone else had in the catching thing, the button to press keeps changing?

where you move the bit into the catching circle and then press a button? in dbc17 and ac it was always x, but i've had in different games x, circle and square... i don't know if this counts as a bug or it's deliberate to keep you on your toes?

If not a bug then this could indeed be a great way to keep catching fielders on their toes. Although it might be a problem for me personally as it's taken me about 6 years to find and remember the catch button on the Xbox!! :yes
If not a bug then this could indeed be a great way to keep catching fielders on their toes. Although it might be a problem for me personally as it's taken me about 6 years to find and remember the catch button on the Xbox!! :yes
I think I have only ever seen it on A on my controller.
I wasn’t going to say anything but I feel like this place has just become a free for all, with people going back and forth arguing about bugger all really. As I have said previously it is just a game. No need for knickers to be firmly twisted over it. I do agree that people should be able to have a forum, a place where they can voice there opinion about the game and this is the perfect place. However I feel like there is too much criticism one way, then too much defending the other and then too much arguing. Everyone is going have there own opinions about the game and everyone is entitled to that but remember when posting any issue, that you choose your words correctly and pick your battles wisely as what may be an issue for you may not be for someone else. I know people who had issues with Ashes cricket, which unfortunately put them off the game, me personally I loved it and still do, the same with AO tennis. But we had respectful conversations about it and still do, remember the word “respectful” not everyone will see things the same as you do. Not every beta tester will see the same bugs you do or play the game the same as you do or want the same things as you do but at the end of the day, they want the same result as you do and that is a good solid cricket experience. We all just need to take a breather, enjoy the game for what it is and ps keep all bugs to bug reporting thread amen
So what camera is everyone using when batting and fielding? Don’t think I’ve found the combo that feels just right yet.
I wasn’t going to say anything but I feel like this place has just become a free for all, with people going back and forth arguing about bugger all really. As I have said previously it is just a game. No need for knickers to be firmly twisted over it. I do agree that people should be able to have a forum, a place where they can voice there opinion about the game and this is the perfect place. However I feel like there is too much criticism one way, then too much defending the other and then too much arguing. Everyone is going have there own opinions about the game and everyone is entitled to that but remember when posting any issue, that you choose your words correctly and pick your battles wisely as what may be an issue for you may not be for someone else. I know people who had issues with Ashes cricket, which unfortunately put them off the game, me personally I loved it and still do, the same with AO tennis. But we had respectful conversations about it and still do, remember the word “respectful” not everyone will see things the same as you do. Not every beta tester will see the same bugs you do or play the game the same as you do or want the same things as you do but at the end of the day, they want the same result as you do and that is a good solid cricket experience. We all just need to take a breather, enjoy the game for what it is and ps keep all bugs to bug reporting thread amen
This is the best post I've seen here. It just feels so good to hear. Anyway, I have always enjoyed all BA Games I have bought. I feel blessed just to have Cricket Games at all on consoles.
Pro cam for everything! Go the Procammers!
I want to, but someone mentioned that the buy where the pro cam shakes when batting, just about the bowl is to be bowled. It was in Ashes Cricket last time I started the game. I love pro cam as well. Though for my Cricket 19, pro cam seems to be okay.[DOUBLEPOST=1559038330][/DOUBLEPOST]
I know dude . Bummer
Happened to me last time, when AC came out.
I want to, but someone mentioned that the buy where the pro cam shakes when batting, just about the bowl is to be bowled. It was in Ashes Cricket last time I started the game. I love pro cam as well. Though for my Cricket 19, pro cam seems to be okay.[DOUBLEPOST=1559038330][/DOUBLEPOST]
Happened to me last time, when AC came out.
So when do you think it will come out ? Tomorrow?

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