Cricket 2004 - its coming


Club Cricketer
Apr 5, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
Cricket 2004 for PlayStation2 and PC commenced development in June 2002 and is due to be released by EA Sports in late 2003. It will feature International and domestic cricket teams and tournaments plus a wealth of tournaments, stadia statistical and editing options.

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we shud help them in making a gr8 game and better than c2k2.
i honestly think that they should first fix all the bugs and compatibility issues with c2k2 before going on to make c2k4.This has been EA's attitude to cricket games...don't fix the problems just move on to a new version because great sales are assured.
I have already sent them email asking them to first fix the bugs in c2002. I told them we logged over 150 bugs in the EA australia forum and they deleted it. I told them to first fix the bugs before thinking about next version. We cricket fans should not get cheated like the FIFA fans are getting cheated by EA. With FIFA EA simply makes new versions with a few changes and charges money for it. We should make them fix the bugs in a patch instead for free.
Very noble intentions anand my mate but do you think they care a rat's ass what you or anyone else thinks?

They got your money and that about wraps up 2002 for them.Now lets see how they milk Cricket 2004 ???
<span style='color:#000000:post_uid3'>i remember andrew say "we are working on new cricket 2004" again and again.this shows the they started develop cricket 2004 before fixing the #### bugs.

btw,i saw.the buglist topic is removed from sticky at first,i saw is way down the they removed .</span>
so EA is going the MS way huh? If they don't fix the bugs, C2002 could well be the last game from EA I paid for..

Edited By Shailesh on 1028292124
After reading the EA forum buglist and playing the buggy demo, I decided not to buy this game. it's simply not worth the money. Blc is good enough :).
Atul, your decision is turning out to be a good one...i have not played the game for some just doesn't hook the gamer like blc did.{perhaps a patch can solve that by removing the bugs and introducing varying weather conditions}.
same here ritwik i have also not played the game for somedays...yesterday i played blc
Varying weather conditions .......... that (rather its absence) was the single biggest reason I've decided not to buy the game. The question is not whether there will be a patch or not. For me, it is, will there be a patch? when? how big? will I be able to download it or wait for some cd to feature it (like CWC patch came on a cd nearly a year or so after I had played, became fed up and just packed the game). It may take months for me to enjoy the game.
And I can always use the BLC variable pitch condition patch :P :P
[color=#000000:post_uid14]Ea should develope the game with the help of some professional level cricketer.To develop the gameplay.For me pitch conditions and other stuff does'nt matter more than the gameplay. ???[/color]
Why do these guys don't complete a thing before they start a new one...... I just hate the way the EA producers work..... THis is the way you see Fifa games are also released.... tHey just want to make people buy their newest products without real customer satisfaction and quality......

I think for Cricket 2004 they should first check out all their bugs and all the new rules for cricket........
If they don't fix this we won't buy it.

btw is this the end of BLC series?

Edited By Shailesh on 1028637472

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