Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

Steam Patch LIve Build 1307
* New bowling action (Josh Hazelwood)
* Improved overthrows on cancelled run
* General fielding improvements
* Implemented crowd settings
* Improved stability
PS5 Live Build 1306
* New bowling action (Josh Hazelwood)
* Improved overthrows on cancelled run
* General fielding improvements
* Implemented 2P Versus AI online
* Tuned run out occurrence
* Balanced dropped catches likelihood
* Improved stability
So only PS4 and Xbox patches are still awaited
Steam Patch LIve Build 1307
* New bowling action (Josh Hazelwood)
* Improved overthrows on cancelled run
* General fielding improvements
* Implemented crowd settings
* Improved stability
Wow new bowling action can't wait to check it out
Might need some help. There are few shots that I cannot even replicate... The fine late cut towards first slip to just punch or soft touch to 3rd man squarer... I do see that AI plays a lot of them but when I try to do that, keeper catches or my farcry for shots being replaced by some other shots such as cover drive that goes to mid off? Can anyone help on how do I play those shots? I really like the animations though
if you've played any of the other BA cricket titles it should be no surprise to you that the AI can do stuff you can't
Quick question, If the kit's don't show up correctly on the academy before downloading, will they show up correctly after being downloaded?
if you've played any of the other BA cricket titles it should be no surprise to you that the AI can do stuff you can't
True. Also still haven't checked the patch yet. But I have given up my hopes for any goodness with the patches. Too early for me to say as I was optimistic few days back but more I play the more I get frustrated and I don't have to for my inner peace
The fact they're still releasing new bowling actions and features suggests they knew this game was never going to be released in a good shape, and they have a release schedule for new features/fixes. Will it be weeks, month? Who knows

All that "poor us Tim's little tinny has meant we've had to delay the game, gosh darn" was actually a load of crap. Can you imagine how bad the game would have been if it was released on 25th?

I wish they could be honest say "look, the game isn't going be released to the standard we want, but we're going to release it and promise we'll get it right". Then we can make the decision if we want to support them (I still would have).

This is yet another example of a games company not being honest and treating its customers like mugs.
It may be this always happens with an update and I've just not noticed, but the fact the box art has been replaced by what appears to be a sticking plaster/band aid might be the biggest chuckle I have today!

Joking aside, I've enjoyed what I've played so far and like most, I think it'll get better from here.
Haven't got any patch for PS5 yet. Guess the patch was for certain PS5 build version only :)
The fact they're still releasing new bowling actions and features suggests they knew this game was never going to be released in a good shape, and they have a release schedule for new features/fixes. Will it be weeks, month? Who knows

All that "poor us Tim's little tinny has meant we've had to delay the game, gosh darn" was actually a load of crap. Can you imagine how bad the game would have been if it was released on 25th?

I wish they could be honest say "look, the game isn't going be released to the standard we want, but we're going to release it and promise we'll get it right". Then we can make the decision if we want to support them (I still would have).

This is yet another example of a games company not being honest and treating its customers like mugs.

Realistically no one in the gaming space is going to do this it's a business and they need the casuals to buy not to put them off, it's not like they're selling vegetables that they should warn people before hand, just not how the industry is even if it seems seedy I'm sure there are even worse offenders who have really screwed the fans.

I agree with the other stuff it is a bit of a joke that years down the line and we're still crying about basics, I've been out the cricket game and cricket loop for years and when I heard this game was coming I was as hard as Tim. Because I believed nearly 10 years on we'll have a refined and polished game something I'd dreamt of as a wee kid playing the tedious EA titles, but after playing it I'm as flaccid as he most likely was when the news of his behaviour dropped.

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