Yes! we are fortunate, that they bother about pc releases. Yes! Kudos to him and his team for developing brilliant cricket titles for us.
However, with that special prices for cricket 19 in India, I'm sure more people bought it than DBC series and previous ashes titles. I, for one, among many I'm sure, am a constant supporter of BA titles. Bought every single cricket and tennis titles they produced. It's just that regional pricing is always a bonus in terms of revenue generation (Yes! Ross is miles ahead in this domain, I'm not a master).
Countering piracy by increasing price tag, is not a very strong argument. Pirates are there and they even pirate games which are even less priced than a candy. On the flip side, I see the regional pricing (like cricket 19) can enable more people to buy and support the developers than turning to piracy as they can't afford that much.
To those remarks, like can't afford then don't play, I have nothing to say in defense.
Kudos to BS. Looking forward to steam release.