Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

After Paine ful delay, after delay in getting my physical disc. It's very disappointing to see the game in this shape. Not enjoyable to play
Wow, the last 10 pages have been a fun read!

On the negativity scale we appear to be sat somewhere around "Cyberpunk a day after release" levels. Impressive

Maybe by early next week and another patch or two we can pivot up a notch to "slightly less than utterly bleak."

Can't wait!
Trust me.... One more patch will kind of break things that are working okay now :P

Jokes aside. I gifted this game to my nephew who just turned 15 and he is a cricketer by choice. In no less time, he is gonna spit on my face :P
The crowd and environmental sounds are so shallow and samey. Worse than any of the games.

This is SUCH a shoddy effort all round.
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And the colours and lighting and everything... every other game I’ve played on ps5 you KNOW you’re playing next gen. this looks like DBC17.

genuinely a piss take they released this

We share a wild "theory" between some of our South African Online okes, that Big Ant takes turns in giving us two different Versions of the Game with each new iteration, to hide the fact that they dont do much on the Core Game actually.

Meaning DBC14 which was groundbreaking with all the hard yards done there , and then the "Not so great" DBC17 version where they lost the Don Bradman licence and HAD to rebuild the game from ground up for new PS4 , after that every other iteration cycling between these two, meaning we should now be with the DBC17 Engine again.
Xbox one x
Tbh this game is most worst on xb1x among all BA releases.

i am playing with lg 4k tv and guess what all cenimatic scene, replays, crowd and toss period look way disappointed in terms of flickering & small black boxes like u r fitting 360p stuff on 4k, apart from game regular freezes, broken academy and absent AI during field.

lets hope if patching will fix above along with frame rate stuff where as c19 had 4k hdr support for xb1x but not the case this time.

wat i noticed with passage of new release/ iterations, BA trim off ideal features dont know why and whats planing behind that. Specially wats logic of tennis shot introduction considering removal of “play as team/player” or scenario mode.
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We share a wild "theory" between some of our South African Online okes, that Big Ant takes turns in giving us two different Versions of the Game with each new iteration, to hide the fact that they dont do much on the Core Game actually.

Meaning DBC14 which was groundbreaking with all the hard yards done there , and then the "Not so great" DBC17 version where they lost the Don Bradman licence and HAD to rebuild the game from ground up for new PS4 , after that every other iteration cycling between these two, meaning we should now be with the DBC17 Engine again.
I’m in a minority but I think DBC17 core gameplay at release was pretty good. I have a YouTube video of dismissals I got when bowling and the variety was great.

It looked poor (player models and colours) and had some big bugs like field sets not saving, but the underlying game was solid. Sadly the patching buggered it up.

c22 wishes it was anywhere near as good as DBC17 at release.
Anyone know if team kits and lineups will change in an active career when you update them later? The only reason I haven't started one is because i'm waiting for the internation team kits.
Who has the Game on X box and Playstaion 4 or 5 i Have it on X box the game is a disaster On X box frequent crashes crappy fielding etc can someone tell me what its like on PS 4 or 5 with the patches and what they have done to it on PS 4 or 5 is it still bad but better than X box has anyone any patch notes Ps 4 or PS 5 thank you
Who has the Game on X box and Playstaion 4 or 5 i Have it on X box the game is a disaster On X box frequent crashes crappy fielding etc can someone tell me what its like on PS 4 or 5 with the patches and what they have done to it on PS 4 or 5 is it still bad but better than X box has anyone any patch notes Ps 4 or PS 5 thank you
Im on xbox one x too its so buggy
Thinking out loud here and not meant in a negative way …

But… I do think the target audience is wrong.

So much focus on accessibility and little gimmicks that yes may appeal to a very casual player but makes 0 difference to a die hard cricket fan.

I have mentioned before I chat to the kids at school and mates etc.

There’s ones who love cricket and would buy it on release.

Theres ones that love cricket but wouldn’t play a cricket game.

Theres ones who don’t mind cricket and think your a boring sad case for playing a cricket video game.

And there’s the ones that hate cricket and won’t even look at the game.

And finally the ones that don’t mind it don’t love it.. may randomly impulsively drop 50 quid on it and play it for a weekend and forget about it.

In my opinion I’m certain that the players that truly play this game or any cricket game all year round are your cricket enthusiasts.

And with that being said they want the game to represent the game of cricket in the most realistic way possible.

I understand it’s a business I understand money needs to be made. And maybe it works targeting the impulse buys.

But for the longevity of the game. For the community creations to flourish and DLC to be purchased, I think it’s the cricket fanatics that ensure that happens and if the gameplay is poor they are the ones who then drop off.

Just a little ramble.. I think the focus sometimes is in the wrong place. IGN basically saying how cricket was boring etc etc I thought was a bit of an insult to a company who clearly are passionate about it.

But it’s a business.. and quite frankly I have no idea what works and what doesn’t!
I'm in the minority here,playing on Series S and I think the game looks and plays great,currently bowling in the ashes and i've had 3 excellent slip catches,maybe the constant PS patches have buggered it up?

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