Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

I got 2 wickets last night in the ashes in England and there wasn’t even a cheer or noise from the crowd just silence. More I look at C19 the more I think I’m going to buy it and wait a few months til stuff like this is sorted looks so much more polished even without all the new features of 22 It’s the gameplay I’m bothered about and the feel of the test games which I play only
Is that with the new patch? I'm watching gameplay on twitch and YouTube and they've got the same constantly screaming crowd issue that I've got.
Is that with the new patch? I'm watching gameplay on twitch and YouTube and they've got the same constantly screaming crowd issue that I've got.
Yeh mate new patch last night Big moment for myself and family watching in front room ha ha and not even a cheer from the crowd
Is anyone else facing crashes while the match is loading? After the last patch, it keeps happening. only solution I found in steam is to enable shadow but that messes up my FPS, any other solution?
Is the data getting curropted issue fixed with the new hot fix?
Yes, it was. Albeit too late for my corrupted files. The crash in career mode between games seems resolved.
Is that with the new patch? I'm watching gameplay on twitch and YouTube and they've got the same constantly screaming crowd issue that I've got.
I’m on the game now and the crowd are settled hsve been so far no rave in the stands not sure if there’s been an update think it was a hot fix that’s just updated. I’ve also played C19 and it’s not a patch on C22 In my opinion of playing for an hour. This game could and I’m sure will be the best ever. I have faith just few things need sorting out
Simple question: is c22 worth buying yet if you have c19?
Well I just played 19 for the first time (to compare) and I won’t play it again. I’m on ps5 and the graphics are chalk and cheese (as expected) I’ve just had my best game so far in ashes series the fielding has improved and the WK is now almost perfect took some great catches and the AI was even leaving and blocking quite a few shots (not as many as they should still) I only really play test matches so not sure on short format We are finally getting there
Well I just played 19 for the first time (to compare) and I won’t play it again. I’m on ps5 and the graphics are chalk and cheese (as expected) I’ve just had my best game so far in ashes series the fielding has improved and the WK is now almost perfect took some great catches and the AI was even leaving and blocking quite a few shots (not as many as they should still) I only really play test matches so not sure on short format We are finally getting there
Do you work for Bigant by any chance?
Well, something weird is going on with the xbox version for sure. The update was delayed, firstly. Then, once updated, the crowd are now in permanent audio celebration mode. If you quit and reload they go back to normal, until there's something else to celebrate, at which time they go back into permanent audio celebration mode. This was a glitch from a patch or 2 ago that had actually been fixed.

Then, it appears the running between wickets has reverted to a previous version. The batter takes ages to start running, just like they did a patch or 2 ago.

It's as if the game has gone back to a previous version rather than actually been updated.
@MattW Any chance of adding the Fixed Far + Fixed close cameras for batting in nets (career + general)??
Basically the issue here is that because the nets are in a building - at least except for the club outdoor nets - the camera in the same position it is in during a match would be in the roof.

Here's an example of what could be done - as you can see the camera is in a slightly different position in the nets - so it won't be the same experience as in the main game, but if people are okay with that I can add the option in.


It's as if the game has gone back to a previous version rather than actually been updated.
What's the version number on the main menu (bottom left)?

Is anyone else facing crashes while the match is loading? After the last patch, it keeps happening. only solution I found in steam is to enable shadow but that messes up my FPS, any other solution?
Have you contacted support about this? It seems like something where we'll need to know more about your hardware and get your save files. If you've already done a ticket, let me know the number and I can follow up. Otherwise, you can just PM me your save data by adding the %userprofile%\Saved Games\Cricket 22 folder to a zip and attaching it.
1) All the shots are not being played properly as a batsmen
2) Your game keeps crashing
3) Career data keeps getting corrupted
4) Shot power is not fixed
5) Fielders look at the opposite directions when gathering the ball (even this fix can wait)
6) Keeper/bowler reaction times and bouncers going through keeper
7) Post overthrow fix, the fielder now throws the ball directly to the bowler even if there’s a run out chance.
8) AI keeps setting the same field even after being hit in same direction
Posts like this are helpful - but just saying "all shots are not being played properly" or "shot power is not fixed" is just too vague to action.

There is a thing in Batting with Pro controls, I don't know how to term it so let's just say it as 'half-defense'
Ever since the original DBC14 controls the power triggers have been analogue - so more pressure is more defensive or more attacking. The 'Precision' shot has a trajectory element, so the fine control that partially pressing triggers can give you is something not able to be replicated if that was disabled.
There is a thing in Batting with Pro controls, I don't know how to term it so let's just say it as 'half-defense'

Basically we have to press R2 for defense, but while batting particularly against pace, we decide to defend balls according to merit of ball & sometimes we press R2 pretty late, not holding it down completely too.

On such instances, the batter neither plays a proper defense (as he should) nor a normal shot, its an in-between kind of defensive shot which gives unnecessary edges and puts off the experience.

So, if we could just make it so that pressing R2 always plays a defense shot irrespective of how late/how much pressure is inputted by the user, it'd be good for us especially those who are using amped up max pace.

To replicate this is pretty easy, just press r2 like half way & try playing and you'll get what I'm telling about.
Hard disagree… it simulates poor batting well.
If you’re late on a shot, you’re more likely to get an edge. That might not be exactly how this was intended, but it works like real life batting. If you are rushed and late in getting in your forward defensive moving, you probably deserve to Nick off

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