As it is releasing in October, if there's one thing that could be added, it would be one of these in the helmet options.

Have we had it confirmed if there’ll be a community to share teams, stadia, players etc in 24? I don’t know why, but I have a funny feeling it might disappear
Weather conditions always Sunny now even if we selected overcast weather in options menu after most recent patches. Before patching weather was just fineMy main concern here is that it'll be like C22 which really only improved things cosmetically, I.e. New licenses, bowling actions, few new stadiums etc and didn't anywhere near as much time into actually simulating a game of cricket.
What genuine fans of the game want is ball and pitch deterioration actually affecting games, a nice variety of dismissals, realistic fielding animations, weather affecting play in different ways, different conditions in different parts of the world etc etc etc. I could go on for another 5000 words about the nuances of cricket that the game doesn't include but I'm guessing Big Ant are more interested in bringing in the more casual gamer who wants the licenses/new bowling animations more than a simulation of the game.
I'd like the County sides licensed because I know they're the biggest project to get kitted up with player likenesses too. It's not really an attractive prospect for most playface creators.Licenses don't remotely bother me due to the academy.
I really really hope there is fundamental game play adjustments. Obviously as per the last games marketing there has been nothing at all gameplay wise spoken about. Apart from the fielding. Which ironically was the main selling point of 22 and we all know how that went.
One thing I hope the licenses do bring is more mo capped actions and batting styles.
Cricket 24 - An Ultimate Bugfest EditionCricket 24 - The Official Game of October"
Now that BAS is releasing this game on october, what would this game be called then? "Cricket 24 - The Official Game of October"?
What they could have done was a dlc paid or free for the current ashes series updated teams ,kits stadiums and calendar and release a new game when its ready under no pressure.
This time we will get better ball physics, dynamic weather conditions, better gameplay for sure. Hope for the bestI think i'd die hoping for a cricket. Video game with just half decent Physics of ball, bat and pitch behavior, half decent animations and JUST ONLY slightly sensible non immersion breaking A.i;( just so sad
We thought that last time. Some of it is so easy to implement too I.e. it's cloudy so it swings more. It swings more at English grounds than subcontinent etc etc.This time we will get better ball physics, dynamic weather conditions, better gameplay for sure. Hope for the best