Seems a lot of files are in assets.bin, files are encrypted though. No way of guessing.
Would be nice for the game to be a bit more open to modding.
I think what people want is the match engine of Cricket Captain, the depth and editability of Cricket Coach and a snazzy skin over the top.
To be honest I'm a bit over Cricket Coach. I like Ollie and all, but it seems to have hit a bit of a wall. The game has balance issue, constant game breaking bugs and the player generation and development doesn't seem quite there. It's stats heaven, but it really, like Cricket Captain, needs a rebuild from scratch. It looks and feels like a game that has just been build on top of from the early 2000s.
Perhaps we should list all the features we'd like to see from a cricket management game

. Some sort of financial involvement would be a top choice for me, would be hard to implement in a balanced way though I'd have thought..
- More in depth coaching options beyond who to give the sessions to
- Interaction between domestic and international sides
- More in depth player development
- More depth in the financial side
- World development
- Improved match graphics
- Better UI interaction (i.e. Click and drag functionality and such)
What's more is I wouldn't be against going a bit down Football Manager's path with showing some attributes for players, but I'm just not sure how that works under the hood in the game. A lot of people thinks it's unrealistic, but it's more about the flavour of a player, and gives something you can actually see about a player (if scouted). The way it works (particularly with hidden attributes) creates quite a good system, and in particular it's worth noting that I've seen plenty of people fall into the "he's got good finishing, he must be a good striker", without realizing the effect that composure, off the ball, anticipation, work rate, decisions, pace, strength, acceleration and agility also play. You can have a great striker who can barely finish, and a terrible one who can. Then there's those great players who look magnificent, but aren't consistent or have an odd balance, or characteristic. There are certainly merits to it.
It remains to be seen if there is a big enough future in such games, but hopefully steam helps in the journey. I do hope that some kind of financial success comes to someone to spur someone on to try and tap this niche market properly, because at this time I feel the market has been somewhat gutted by a lack of developments and to be honest never having a game that really takes up the mantle as games like Football Manager managed too.
If you look elsewhere, at companies like Paradox, who make really quite niche games, nobody would ever have rated a game like Crusader Kings II as having a chance of success, there were even questions about if it would ever exist, but with a bit of love and confidence in the idea it really did pay dividends. The real question with the market for a Cricket Management (well, board of selectors, coach and captain all rolled into one really) isn't whether it's there, but whether the game that can truly tap it ever will be.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying Cricket Captain 14 is a bad game, it's just it's not the special game that will create a long lived reputation and legacy. If you've got some cash lying around, and like cricket management games, I'd recommend Cricket Captain though. Who knows, our support might just fund them to give that dream rebuild a red hot go.