Cricket City

What in the world is going on. Everybody seems to have a forum or two lately. Isn't PlCckt enough for you guys, although love that illegal content being posted.:p
siddharth2002 said:
What in the world is going on. Everybody seems to have a forum or two lately. Isn't PlCckt enough for you guys, although love that illegal content being posted.:p

Please note. Cricketing World is not a forum website! However it is affiliated with World A Team.
and cricket Way is too not got a forum but is affiliate with two, PlanetCricket and Paksitan Cricket forum.
usy said:
and cricket Way is too not got a forum but is affiliate with two, PlanetCricket and Paksitan Cricket forum.
Where is the evidence stating that Cricket Way is an affiliate with PlanetCricket? I didn't think it was one myself.

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