On Hold Cricket Dynasty - We got all busy


Brazil vs England
at Centenario - Only ODI
A chat with the captain about the toughness of the game
England arrived yesterday in the city of Caxias do Sul, with the only match starting on October 1.

Captain Dexter was quick to point out that the match could be very difficult than their previous matches.

“The last tournament at home, we probably should have won that series,” he said.

“We had opportunities to win that series – where we lost by 116 runs in the very first match".

“Credit to Brazil, they hung in there in the Afghan Test Tournament and then really won the critical moments well.

“That can be the way in sub-continent conditions or UAE conditions, the games can turn very quickly so you have to make sure you’re grabbing that opportunity.”

The opening batsman admits that England face a stern challenge in trying to end Brazil’s remarkable run in the Afghan, but he insists his side are well prepared.

Brazil were the winners in the recently concluded Test series , although Dexter hopes to catch Jose Maria's men off guard.

The Playing XI

ECB today announced that the Nottinghamshire all-rounder Max Robinson had been called up to England’s ODI squad for the forthcoming match against Brazil as a replacement for the out of form player Kyle O'Connor.

Even bowler Spencer Allen was selected instead of Blake Fox.

Dexter Johnson :bat: :c:
Spencer Henderson :wkb:
Joe Harper
Jacob Riley
Colin Lewis
Max Robinson :bwl:
Spencer Allen :bwl:
Stephen Grayson :bwl:
Ollie Reynolds :bwl:
Peter Watts :bwl:
Adrian Pratt :bwl:


A brand new start, I hope we succeed in this tour.

Oscar Williams
Roberto Fontana
Eduardo Sabat
James Ferguson
Axel Mesa :bwl:
Umar Khan :wk: & :c:
Mario Funes :bwl:
Hugo Garcia :bwl:
Pascual Bortnick :bwl:
Santiago Susini :bwl:
Marcos Cruz :bwl:

:pak: :bat: Syed Saleh
:pak: :bat: Mohammad Al-Said
:pak: :ar: Luqmaan Abid
:pak: :bat: Abdul Jabbar
:pak: :wk: Madood Khan
:pak: :ar: Abdul Rafay :c:
:pak: :bat: Musheer Tariq
:pak: :ar: Abdul Ghani
:pak: :bwl: Abid Mohammad
:pak: :bwl: Uthmaa Jamal
:pak: :bwl: Muneer Haider
Sri Lanka will go same against Chile.

Costa Rica


:bat: Aluino Cordero
:bat: Ricardo Galindo
:bat: Honor Lasso
:bat: Gabriel Arenas
:ar: Amano Rodriguez :c:
:ar: Ruben Gomiz
:wk: Segundo Ocana

:bwl: Beinvenido de la Torre
:bwl: Angelito Ortiz
:bwl: Enrique Sagun
:bwl: Orlan Verde



NIUE Cricket Council formed!
After the successful completion of the first One Day International between Niue and Jamaica.Niue Sports ministry has given a go ahead for formation of Niue Cricket Council(NCC).
Niue Cricket Council will work from Alofi.The NCC Chairman Mr. Fazul Raqi has tweeted about player contracts.

The 18 Men names are given below.

:bat:Jack Ryder:c::tick:
:bat:Semi Munu
:bat:Patariki Pihere
:bat:Paul Raatepa

:ar:Trevor Tereiti:right::pss:
:bat:Uniki Waaka
:bat:Natana Pekama
:bat:Tipene Waaka

:wk:Patrick Timoti:pss:
:wk:Troy Hamutana:pss:

:bwl:Rua Teira:psc:
:ar:Aika Enoka:right::pss:
:ar:Anaru Ropata:psc:
:bwl:Waiara Hohepa:psc:
:bwl:Howard Taera
:bwl:Waraki Heriwena:tick:
:bwl:Tommy Ropata:right::tick:

:bwl:Timoti Tapihana:right:
Mr Raqi also said that the council is heavily working on a domestic league for development of cricket in the country.The first ODI which we unfortunately lost but was a success in showing the Island Nation Niue is on the map of Cricketing World.That match was also a financial success.The proceedings of the match will now help us to send our Team abroad for away matches.

Note:Our Monarch,Governor-General and Premier will not be at our matches as they will be busy with Important matters.
NCC releases next match Line-up

Jack Ryder :c:
Paul Raatepa
Semi Munu
Trevor Tereiti :bwl:
Troy Hamutana:wk:
Tipene Waaka
Rua Teira :bwl:
Anaru Ropata :bwl:
Waraki Heriwena :bwl:
Tommy Ropata :bwl:
Howard Taera :bwl:
Good display of cricket from the Kuwaitis. Winning the toss and opting to bat first proved to be quite vital.Consistency has been the key behind our excellent results.Our opening batsmen provided a solid platform for the middle order batsmen to build the innings. Credits to Naaji Mustafa for another excellent performance. Those runs for the 4th wicket partnership ,between Mansur & Mustafa, were quite valuable. Bowling unit has always been superb, even on a flat track. A very convincing victory in the end.

Kuwait vs Zimbabwe


Zaid Ebrahim
Rushdi Raad :wk:
Abdur Raheem Nauman
Aasim Mansur
Naaji Mustafa
Ibrahim Baccus ^
Quraish Shahid ^
Aamir Yousef ^
Abdul Aziz :c: ^
Tawfeeq Hamid ^
Farajallah Abed ^

Press: Australia travels to New Zealand after so many years looking to win the ODI series against NZ?? Can you do it??

Umair: YES WE CAN it's about time we show them who is the boss.

:bat: David Rogers
:bat: Declan Thomas
:bat: Umair Nazim :c:
:bat: Louie Martin
:bat: Jackson Howard
:wkb: Brody Mathis
:ar: Ray Howard
:bwl: R Howard
:bwl: K Palmer
:bwl: W Palmer
:bwl: T MacDonald​

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