Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Keep getting the following error. Anyone know how to fix it?

RUN @ 7/11/2013 4:23:24 PM

VERSION: 2.633

MESSAGE: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

STACK TRACE: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Cricket.Main.GameStateVersus.RenderFlag(Single x1, Single y1, Int32 size, Single[][][]& point1, String t1, Single& timer1, Single ms) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateVersus.cs:line 113
at Cricket.Main.GameStateVersus.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateVersus.cs:line 355
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 17975
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in c:\Users\touchlab\work\Personal\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 4191
^^kurt will have a look....

btw i think that cpu should select shots just on the basis of where the ball pitches....

it would be more realistic when theres swing and spin and cpu is confused just like us :lol :p

also conditions should vary time by time like in india pitch gets slower and spin increases..

Intl. cricket capt. is something to draw inspiration from... :D
@Markkkkk: It should support most gamepads...

@KingRizzy: It looks like you're missing team flags in the flags file.

@Ashu: Yup, that happens already (both). I'll see if I can tweak the AI to be more susceptible though ;)

As you play a test match you'll notice the pitch getting slower and the rough building up. When you pitch the ball in the rough you'll also notice puffs of dust every now and again. This is when the ball really misbehaves :)


Hi guys,

new update is ready :)



- tweaked AI batting & fielding
- tweaked batting difficulty
- fixed team selection (min 5 bowlers for short formats except beach & HK6)
- fixed cloud generation, formation and movement
- fixed a few crash bugs
- fixed bug when viewing bowler cumulative stats
- minor UI fixes
- improved rough textures
- fixed rendering of rough
- fixed sponsorships in career mode
- fixed training & injuries in career mode
- finished off almanac feature for career mode

Kurt, hope you're looking at my emails! Also, what do I need to do with regards to the flags?
@KingRizzy: Yup :) The cumulative stats problem should be resolved now ;)

Is it the other simmer who's getting that error? Your best bet is to give him your textures\set_flags.bmp and textures\ files.
Hey Kurt, Hows all the wedding stuff going? I must admit, I'm a little over it at the moment :p

One thing I keep forgetting to ask, My registration code does not seem to work and that includes copying and pasting... Whats the easiest way to fix this?
@plexus: Blehrg. My fiance's mom is freaking out for who knows what reason. We sent her an email saying that she mustn't worry about financing the wedding - we'll do that and she must just sort out the family that's flying in. Other than that...stressful, as I'm sure you know ;)

Sent you a PM now regarding your key.
Kurt, did you manage to delete the file I requested from the shared dropbox folder?

Also, the number of matches played showing in the export is still wrong :(
@KingRizzy: I'll delete the file when I get home later. In the meantime can you send me the number of games you expect vs what the cumulative stats shows you please?
@KingRizzy: I'll delete the file when I get home later. In the meantime can you send me the number of games you expect vs what the cumulative stats shows you please?

The number of games should be maximum of 3 in each format (not including the one file I want you to remove).
This however could vary as not all players would have played all games, but the max is definitely 3 for each format (4-day & Pro-45).
It's fine in the Pro-45, but in 4-day one it's wrong. For most it's showing the number of matches to be the same as number of innings, which are two different things. So if a player has played 3 matches & batted in both innings, it should show 3 matches played and 6 innings. But it's showing 6 matches & 6 innings. For some it's showing 6 matches but only 5 innings. I reckon the number of matches just need halving. However, that obviously depends on what's wrong.
can you provide any patch to simulate test/ one day matches offline mode? please help i wanna start a league which will include Test & OD matches here
@kurtkz: Is the speed of the delivery hidden behind the timing gauge? (noticing the timing gauge 'flickers' with the speed of the delivery)
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