Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Almost done with the new patch - just have a little more work to do on the new bowling controls. As an upside, the simulations are running a bit faster...
@rahulkhush: Sure thing, I'll see if I can get my controllers to work.
So many bugs to sort out :'(

The new fast bowling mechanics are in place - you choose your grip, seam position and then run in. At the crease you press the action button (pressure sensitive) to run your fingers over the ball for cut. I still need to implement the spin bowling controls.

EDIT: swing and seam are determined automatically based on a variety of factors. If you get your settings just right, you can actually bowl a swinging delivery that seams after pitching now...

That being said, I can now simulate an entire T20 tournament with 10 teams and 2 pools, in about 5min. Not too shabby :spy
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So many bugs to sort out :'(

The new fast bowling mechanics are in place - you choose your grip, seam position and then run in. At the crease you press the action button (pressure sensitive) to run your fingers over the ball for cut. I still need to implement the bowling controls.

EDIT: swing and seam are determined automatically based on a variety of factors. If you get your settings just right, you can actually bowl a swinging delivery that seams after pitching now...

That being said, I can now simulate an entire T20 tournament with 10 teams and 2 pools, in about 5min. Not too shabby :spy

Sounds great. Looking forward to the update :thumbs
Thanks, Pat :) Looks like it'll only be ready tomorrow though. I need to playtest the new bowling mechanics to see if it's working correctly.

This is just the first version of the new mechanics though. I need to think it through a little more, but some user testing would go a long ways to helping me find the right direction ;)
Thanks, Pat :) Looks like it'll only be ready tomorrow though. I need to playtest the new bowling mechanics to see if it's working correctly.

This is just the first version of the new mechanics though. I need to think it through a little more, but some user testing would go a long ways to helping me find the right direction ;)

Sure thing. If possible, please release an update for Mac in parallel so I can test it on my main machine :)
Can we have this game on PS3? :lol:lol
Hehe nice one :p If someone could fund me I'd love to try to compete with BA ;)

I can fund you ;) Lets meet up after your marriage to discuss. I will handle business you handle developing department. We will hire few people too :) Cant this game be converted to PS3? I am noob sorry :p
Hehe, I can rewrite it in Unity and make it crossplatform for pretty much every device, but that'll take a while to do. It's on my to-do list (eventually)...
Hehe, I can rewrite it in Unity and make it crossplatform for pretty much every device, but that'll take a while to do. It's on my to-do list (eventually)...

Can I help you in any way to make your job easier?
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