Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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:clap Any chance to play DBC14? I had to order a PS3 for it :facepalm DBC14 has now cost me $170 :p :facepalm
Hahaha may be a wedding gift she gives :p
:D .. Good luck with the new life friend!! Enjoy :cheers
Will try the update when Mac version is out :) In the meanwhile, do you have plans on writing a simulation engine in the near future so that playing Career Mode in the game becomes enjoyable?
Yup, I'm working on that at the moment, Pat :) I might not be able to make it run the simulation any faster, but I'm trying to run multiple ones at the same time (on separate threads). That should at least cut down on the amount of time spent simming versus actually playing. Hopefully :spy
OK - so the next patch is almost ready. The changelog so far:

- some AI tweaks
- simulations of games happen in parallel (runs as many games as it can at the same time) <- this should cut down on simulation time in series/tournaments and career mode quite significantly
- new ball textures

I'd like to finish up 2 more things before I release the patch though:

- setting to have keeper stand up to the stumps to seamers (probably through the field editor screen)
- tweak the keeper's catching ability (especially for sharp chances...he catches too many at the moment)
- ability to shine the ball
- new bowling system

The biggest chunk of work will be the new bowling system, but this should only take a day or 2 to implement. My idea is as follows:


- choose position of ball in your hand
- if it's to the front of your hand, you'll get less turn, but more bounce and it will come out quicker
- if it's to the back of your hand, it will be slower, with less turn and normal bounce
- if it's in the middle-ish, it will be a turner, a little slower and you'll probably get some drift
- during your jump at the popping crease, pushing left or right will determine how much spin you impart on the ball


- choose position of the ball in your hand
- front = quick delivery
- middle = cutter
- back = slower ball
- choose the seam position
- cross-seam will not swing, whereas straight seam will (with the shiny side)
- if the seam is straight, but angled to the slip cordon you'll get swing in that direction (assuming your stats allow you to)

EDIT: You will no longer be able to select the speed of the delivery and the amount of spin/swing/seam. This will all be determined by how you hold the ball and your stamina and skill.

Anybody have any suggestions for my bowling idea? I'm not sure how close it is to what DBC14 does, but I'd like it to be a little different...

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Some great ideas in there for bowling controls. I think the biggest difference is that your controls are designed for keyboard whereas DBC controls were designed only for a controller. Also, the fact that you still decide the length using a pitch marker as per your control scheme. If possible you could look at doing away with the pitch marker at-least for the human bowling, but I confess it would make the controls complicated for keyboard users.
Thanks, Pat. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of a way to get rid of the pitch marker, but I just can't think of a solid scheme :(

I'll probably leave it as is for now with the above scheme - this at least merges 3 different steps into 1 and makes the bowling less predictable.
Thanks, Pat. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of a way to get rid of the pitch marker, but I just can't think of a solid scheme :(

I'll probably leave it as is for now with the above scheme - this at least merges 3 different steps into 1 and makes the bowling less predictable.

Agreed. It will be way better than the current implementation.
Excellent, I'll try to get this out before Friday. After fixing the pad and body-ball collisions it all feels a lot more solid and I think the AI will finally make for a decent opponent.

Hopefully the bowling changes will be the last major changes and then I can start working on the presentation (again).

Actually - is there anything I can do about the batting? Some way to make it easier?

EDIT: By easier, I mean the control scheme :)
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Those changes sound fantastic. Really looking forward. One thing to mention Kurt, when I try playing with controller (Xbox) on MAC, it does not work. My controller works fine for all other games on Mac but not for this. If you can please look into the issue.
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