Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Prepping an update now. It only fixes the Not-A-Number crashes (related to rain). The starting lineup crashes are due to your player and team rosters. I'll have a look at that next week since I'll be gone for the weekend.
Morning @kurtkz I downloaded the latest version from the site, but it gives me an error when trying to launch stating that the "realnames.txt" file (I think that's the correct name, I didn't have a chance to grab the log file) isn't found. Any idea why that would be?

Sorry, believe it's "actualnames" or something like that.
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Oh man - not sure how I missed that file. Will upload a patch that contains that file so you don't need to redownload the whole thing.
Oh man - not sure how I missed that file. Will upload a patch that contains that file so you don't need to redownload the whole thing.
I tried to run the "autoupdater.exe" file outside of the game, but it tells me to bugger off and run the game :p so can you let me know how I'd get that patch down?
Hehe. As soon as I've uploaded the patch, you can start Cricket Heroes and it'll ask you if you want to update :)
I'll give it a shot a bit later... I'm swinging past my place on the way to a supplier in a couple hours, so will give feedback asap.
I used to inundate you with e-mails when I had the chance to put some serious time into your game. I'll be putting a bunch more time into Cricket Heroes over the next while though.
That's great news :) There's been a raft of changes, but mostly to stability and gameplay. I rate if the game is more or less playable now, I'll start focusing on the interface and models (and possibly an audio editor of some kind).
I had to go dig through my e-mails to find my registry key again... found it though... need to keep that thing handy! :lol
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