Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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When it updates the leaderboard does it update all the records to be up-to-date or does it just add in the most recent match? Hopefully the former, that way it should right itself after my next game. Also means that if someone is offline it will be updated completely next game they complete with connection
Yup - that top one is the one I just played on my account (you can now see the account name when you expand an entry). Not sure why your games aren't being synced. I'm gonna upload another patch soon. Just need to see why it's stalling with full tosses and make it easier for the AI to hit out.[DOUBLEPOST=1423749747][/DOUBLEPOST]Yup, it updates the whole kaboodle. So you can happily play offline for a while and it'll sync everything as soon as you reconnect.
Oh ok that explains why the stats are wrong haha[DOUBLEPOST=1423749869][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll go another game and see if it fixes it. Should I close CH first just to see if that does anything?
Did you sim any of the game you tested? I usually sim any part I'm not involved in but I can not sim if that makes a difference
Yup, I think that was the problem. I forgot to remove the check for partial simming. Gonna do a last test now and then upload a small patch. It'll be a download patch though because it's not properly tested yet...
Great minds think alike!

We're batting first, so I might be able to let it run for a bit.
New patch is up:

- tweaked physics vs balls outside leg
- tweaked AI batting
- fixed bug where full tosses cause the game to freeze
- replaced UI icons & cursor
- fixed bug when updating career leaderboard
Can you put an overs count underneath the score please? And not have it disappear
Sure - I'll have it not disappear. I'm actually thinking of doing something similar to what Pro Cricket 2015 did: solid top bar with score & overs.

I'd actually do 2 bars:

Top: Score & overs on the left; batsman meters on the right (with button to collapse)
Bottom: Time on the left; bowler meters on the right (with button to collapse); umpire's calls in the middle

I'm thinking of removing the bowling speed. Doesn't really add anything to the gameplay.[DOUBLEPOST=1423830868][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm actually thinking of revamping the in-game UI. It sucks big time :(

I'm going to replace the Front-foot/Back-foot/Lofted/Grounded bar with an icon. Might do something similar with the timing bar. Is it enough to say that you played the shot early? Or that you played the shot late? The bar moves way too fast for anyone to base their timing on that in any case.

This way I could also move the running box to the left or right of the screen and rotate it portrait.
Don't remove speed. Other than that sounds good.

Not sure what you mean about the icon.

Also, I've notice fast bowlers run in and pass through the umpire. Can you make their run up be a little bit of an angle to avoid this?
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