Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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3 balls in a row bounced too high to get bat to. None were called wide[DOUBLEPOST=1427697118][/DOUBLEPOST]Obviously there has been a major adjustment to batting mechanics and now there is far too much emphasis placed on having the batsman in the right position which is kinda pointless as the marker doesn't show up until it's practically too late to move
Every time I place a front foot defence it hits the pad. Every time[DOUBLEPOST=1427697227][/DOUBLEPOST]Straight drives too
Slips keep diving to field balls that would have landed in their lap had they not moved
Batting has seriously gone down the drain. Practically impossible
hmm i actually havent changed the batting mechanics at all...[DOUBLEPOST=1427698873][/DOUBLEPOST]will investigate later but the mechanics are the same. only thing ive changed is the edge calculations. might need to revise that for the next patch.
3 balls in a row bounced too high to get bat to. None were called wide[DOUBLEPOST=1427697118][/DOUBLEPOST]Obviously there has been a major adjustment to batting mechanics and now there is far too much emphasis placed on having the batsman in the right position which is kinda pointless as the marker doesn't show up until it's practically too late to move

What difficulty? I always get marker popup just after the bowler has started his runup on pro difficulty [DOUBLEPOST=1427699402][/DOUBLEPOST]
Slips keep diving to field balls that would have landed in their lap had they not moved

Straight drive window detection needs to be increase quiet a lot.
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Only just before they reach the pitch. On pro difficulty.[DOUBLEPOST=1427699779][/DOUBLEPOST]I was loading an old save so I'll start a new game and see how that plays out
The marker pop up is also affected by the skill of the batsman. I have some time now, so I can try to fix the edge issue, but the slip diving might take more time...[DOUBLEPOST=1427699815][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, thanks for the feedback, guys :)
No left arm bowlers just get a lot of angle. Which probably needs looking at[DOUBLEPOST=1427700103][/DOUBLEPOST]Ben McDermott's batting is higher than Shaun Marsh:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
I haven't bowled a ball yet but it's say WIDE down the bottom left[DOUBLEPOST=1427700547][/DOUBLEPOST]On game speed of 80, it's barely moving...
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