Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@KingRizzy: Sure thing - I'll dial down the calculation for bad light. Rain shouldn't be happening in every match though. Did you change the venue settings at all?

Actually I retract the rain statement, but bad light really needs to be reduced.

I've simmed a few matches, lost 31 overs over 5 days in one match, and lost 22 overs over 5 days in another match and lost 33 overs in a third 5 day match.
Wowzer! Haven't heard from you in a while :) I trust all is well at uni?

Yeah I'm still plodding along without much success :P It keeps me busy (and sane) though, so all is well.
heh, not really. Decided I have no idea why I'm doing the course I'm doing so took this semester off to work out what I want to do with my life.

How's the married life?

Surprised you haven't just stuck with what you've got on this game though, I'd update the rosters again but can't see it being worth the effort, lol.
Ah, I see. You're still young, so enjoy your time off :) Yeah, I kind of just work on the game when I have downtime (or if I want to unwind a little). I have some other projects in the pipeline but nothing too concrete just yet.

Married life is pretty good, I can't lie ;)
Kurt, I don't know how you can say "without much success". I hadn't been able to play the game for a while but updated it the other day and tried it again and was amazed at how different it looked and how the gameplay had improved.

I've still got the template for the player kits - remind me again what the file coding is to get them to work? I specifically want to work on the SA domestic teams.
@BruD: Thanks, mate :) I guess I should define "success" in this case. It's been a bit of a personal triumph to say that I've actually released something I can say is definitively mine (and PlanetCricket's tbh). It's been a let down that it hasn't reached as many people as I would've like though.

Hmm, I should redo the template for the player kits actually. If you'd like a crack at them now you can edit the files in models\kitxxx.png. You can get a live preview of what's happening by running the LivePreview app.
Another small update:

- fixed inside edges for left handers
- tweaked physics for inside edges
- improved model imported to support models without grass and with advert boards and electronic scoreboards

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